Hey everyone, I posted just the other day about my LS that won't start. I wanted to include a video to hopefully show some of the symptoms she is experiencing and ask you guys a question. I was wondering if anyone could tell me how to crank the engine by hand. I have no tools at all so I'm trying to figure out if it would be worth it to just buy the tools necessary to hand crank the engine and save the $100 it would cost to tow it down the street so I could at least tell if it is seized, as repair wouldn't be an option for me if that were the case.
Can the engine be hand cranked without jacking the car up? And what tools would I need for the job? Here is a video of what's happening http://youtu.be/PO7vhNCM8oA
Can the engine be hand cranked without jacking the car up? And what tools would I need for the job? Here is a video of what's happening http://youtu.be/PO7vhNCM8oA