for all of you with aftermarket stereos heres a?


Well-Known LVC Member
Aug 24, 2005
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South Gate
is illumination possible on this car for the stereo i mean??? a buddy of mine said no because our car works on a negative trigger??? dont know that the heck that means? any help out there?
you can get a relay to take care of that no problem.
lexdiamondz10304 said:
Hmm, I think he means can you dim the afterm. HU when you turn your lights on.

sorry took me a while to reply but yeah thats what i mean....
yes, IF (I'm not sure it is) the car is negative trigger for illumination and your aftermarket HU doesn't support that you can buy a $5 relay from radio shack to make that work. You would wire the relay coil to an always on positive (not switched) and then on the - side of the coil the negative ilumination feed. Then on the pole side of the relay you'd just run +12v to one terminal and a wire to the illumination input of your aftermarket radio on the other terminal. Sorry I don't remember all the correct lingo from school but really this is 20 minutes and $5.
I'm assuming when your friend says negative trigger he means ground is passed through the illumination feed. If he means that a 12v feed just shuts down when the lights are turned on.....then still a relay, just a little different. would be helpful if you could clarify.
yeah a relay and if your headunit supports it I did it on my s10 and did not like it never got to full display after I hooked it up.....
I'm sure he means negative trigger is a "ground side switch" or sometimes called "down side switch". This means that power is always applied and the circuit is completed by switching the ground on and off. Just about every computerized circuit on the vehicle is this way....much less draw and spiking that way. Listen to Beaups....he has the cure!
Use the little light in the ashtray. Unless yours does not light up with your light switch. You could always use the parking light wire at the light switch. I have an 04 and I got it at the ashtray.
I've got a question on my stock 00 system the bottom half of my lights on my radio dont come on at all what causes this is it just a light that has burnt out or something else.

Mine is like that too, i believe that there isnt much we can do about it besides buy a new stock head unit or go aftermarket. after a while you memorize all the buttons at night anyway so it doesnt bother me that much.
bigpappy33 said:
Mine is like that too, i believe that there isnt much we can do about it besides buy a new stock head unit or go aftermarket. after a while you memorize all the buttons at night anyway so it doesnt bother me that much.

Yeah ive got to the point of knowing were all the buttons are for now, it does sux though that half of them are out did they plan it that way kinda,or has something burned out here, throws it all of there for me, but watcha gonna do if its meant to be that way.
Only the lights that apply will light. If you're playing a tape, only the tape function lights will light. Same with the CD changer. When in radio mode, they should all light. If not, there is a problem with the unit.
itsme said:
My preset channel lights dont work at all, lights on or lights off :confused:

In that case, I'd say the HU needs replacement. See to whom your local dealer sends broken radios and contact them. They should be able to replace your radio for the replacement charge. For me, it was $185.
Thanks for the info appreciate it, if i pull that one out im putting in something real nice i would like to have a lcd HU i just dont know anymore what is considered good.

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