I don't think you even want to go there.................
Your Weekly 'Republican Corruption and Scandal' Update
((See *Notes* below about use)
Investigation: Sen. Richard Shelby
Disposition: received contributions from Abramoff
Investigation: Gov. Robert Riley
Disposition: Received contributions from Abramoff.
Received contributions from. DeLay’s ARMPAC, linked to Abramoff
Investigation: Republican Legislative Committee(very sleazy)
Disposition: financing of a Republican flier that accused a Democratic candidate of supporting same-sex marriage because she failed to sign a pledge against it. Republican committee did not file a report five days before the election showing who paid for the ad, as required by state law.
READ THIS: "Ala. Dems seek investigation into financing of anti-gay flier"
Investigation: Senate President Ben Stevens (son of US Senate Pro Tem President Ted Stevens)
Disposition: Probed for accepting consulting fees from oil services firm Veco. Subject to a recall petition.
Investigation: Sen. Ted Stevens
Disposition: Received contributions from Abramoff.
Investigation: Arkansas Republican Party
Disposition: Received contributions from. DeLay’s ARMPAC, linked to Abramoff
Arkansas - Sexual Assault, Child Pornography
Investigation: Joshua Dickens, Republican Constable of Faulkner County.
Disposition: Severly beat, burned, handcuffed and kidnapped woman he was in a relationship with. Sentenced 5 yrs, could be released within 1 year. After the trial, a 16-year-old girl, also made accusations to the police that she had been sexually assaulted by the young man.
Investigation: Rep. J. D. Hayworth
Disposition: Received contributions from Abramoff.
Investigation: Jan Brewer, Arizona Secretary of State.
Disposition: William (Bill) Risner, Esq. on behalf of Tom Ryan, Ph.D, of Arizona Citizens for Fair Elections, is suing the Secretary of State, Jan Brewer because of her failure to set standards to decertify faulty voting machines in AZ. Brewer is scheduled to appear in Pima County Superior Court in Tucson on Tuesday morning (tentative) to explain why she has not complied with Arizona law that requires adoption of voting system decertification standards.
Investigation: Gov. Evan Mecham
Disposition: impeached, in 1988, after he was convicted of obstructing an investigation into a death threat allegedly made by an aide. He also failed to report a $350,000 from a contributor to his campaign for Governor as required by campaign laws; loaned himself $80,000 of public money to help his failing car dealership; allegations of covering up a death threat by one of his appointees to a government employee. Was the first US Governor to face removal from office by three means simultaneously: impeachment by the legislature, a scheduled recall election, and a criminal indictment.
Investigation: Governor Fife Symington
Disposition: Resigned after being convicted of bank fraud charges. Conviction overturned due to improper dismissal of a juror during deliberations. Pardoned by Clinton, probably so he would stop wasting the Federal government's time and money investigating him.
Investigation: Nathan Sproul, Sproul & Associates launched voter registration drives in at least eight states, most of them swing states.
Disposition: under investigation for allegedly destroying voter registration forms signed by Democrats.
Investigation: Scottsdale Rep. David Burnell Smith ® initially admitted overspending in his campaign but now, objects to his charges claiming the election laws are unconstitutional. The matter is going to court on Dec. 6th. 2005 (Maricopa County Superior Court Judge Mark Aceto.)(Has $70,000 cash-in-hand to spend on his defense)
Disposition: March 2005, Arizona's Citizens Clean Elections Commission voted 5-0 to remove Smith from office because of a campaign finance violation. The commission’s order also directs Smith to return $34,625 in campaign funds and pay a $10,000 fine.
Investigation: Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger
Disposition: Ethics probe for accepting salary from two men’s fitness magazines while governor, possible kickback from American Media publisher to Schwarzenegger charity and silence money to a woman who had an extramarital affair with Schwarzenegger. This probe may go criminal.
Investigation: Rep. Randy “Duke” Cunningham
Disposition: Pleaded Guilty on charges of conspiracy to commit $2.4 million in bribery charges and fraud, and tax evasion
Cunningham, who could get up to 10 years in prison will be sentenced on Feb. 27 2006.
Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger's office will have 14 days to set a date for an election, which must take place within 120 days, to replace Cunningham. Cunningham was allowed to remain free while he awaits sentencing. He also agreed to forfeit his mansion, more than $1.8 million in cash, and antiques and rugs.
Contractors who exchanged contributions for defense contracts: "NO BID RIGGING"
-- Mitchell Wade, who was the former president of MZM Inc., a Washington, D.C., company that does classified intelligence work for the military.
-- Brent Wilkes, an associate of Wade's who headed a defense contracting company called ADCS Inc.
-- Thomas Kontogiannis, a New York developer. Cunningham wrote to prosecutors in 2000 on Kontogiannis' behalf when the developer was under investigation in a bribery and kickback scheme involving school computer contracts. Kontogiannis ultimately pleaded guilty to fraud.
Investigation: Rep. Randy “Duke” Cunningham
Disposition: House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) has written a letter to Speaker Dennis Hastert (R-IL), asking for a bipartisan committee with experience in national security to investigate Cunningham's recent admissions of guilt in a criminal case plea bargain AND Pelosi asks that the committee determine whether or not Cunningham compromised national security or misused classified information in aiding the contractors.
Investigation: Rep. Dana Rohrabacher
Disposition: Tied to Abramoff scandal on loan papers. Recipient of contributions from Abramoff
Investigation: Rep. Doug Ose
Disposition: Received contributions from Abramoff.
Investigation: Rep. Richard Pombo
Disposition: Received contributions from Abramoff.
Investigation: Rep. John Doolittle
Disposition: Received contributions from Abramoff.
Investigation: Rep. Ed Royce
Disposition: Received contributions from Abramoff.
Investigation: Katrina Leung, who helped raise money and contributed to several other Republican campaigns.
Disposition: arrested in April 2003, on charges of working covertly for the Chinese government(CODENAME: Parlor Maid). Leung was alleged to have copied U.S. secrets with intent of providing them to Chinese intelligence services.
Investigation: Retired FBI agent James J. Smith
Disposition: pleaded guilty to lying about the affair, with Katrina Leung, during an FBI background review and agreed to cooperate with the government's investigation of Leung in exchange for the dropping of more serious charges of mail fraud and mishandling of classified documents. He was sentenced three months' home confinement.
Investigation: U.S. Rep. Dana Rohrabacher (R-Huntington Beach)
Disposition: used his influence to open doors in Washington for a Hollywood producer pitching a television show after the producer paid him a $23,000 option on a screenplay, records and interviews show.
Hypocrite: US Congressman David Dreier
Exposed: closeted homosexual Republican who oppose civil rights for gay people.
California - Sexual Assault, Child Pornography
Investigation: Howard L. Brooks, Republican legislative aide and advisor to a California assemblyman,
Disposition: charged with molesting a 12-year old boy and possession of child pornography.
Investigation: Nicholas Elizondo(Republican director of the "Young Republican Federation) Bakersfield, CA
Disposition: molested his 6-year old daughter and was sentenced to six years in prison.
Investigation: Republican Judge Ronald C. Kline
Disposition: placed under house arrest for child molestation and possession of child pornography.
Republican Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger "told a magazine in 1977 that he had a stripper girlfriend, hung out with prostitutes and engaged in group sex. Then in October 2003, the Los Angeles Times reported that several women said he had forced himself on them, grabbing them and trying to pull off clothing. … Schwarzenegger didn't admit anything specific, but he didn't exactly proclaim his innocence, either. "Wherever there is smoke, there is fire," he said. "I have behaved badly sometimes."
Investigation: Colorado Republican Party
Disposition: Received contributions from. DeLay’s ARMPAC, linked to Abramoff
Investigation: Scott McInnis, former US Rep of Colorado
Disposition: at the end of his term, left the House with more than $1 million in his campaign bank account from Aramoff
Investigation: Marilyn Musgrave (R-CO), is a second term Member of Congress, representing the 4th district of Colorado. Rep. Musgrave's ethical improprieties involve the misuse of official resources for political campaign activity and from abuse of franking privileges.
Disposition: Federal law prohibits Members of Congress from soliciting contributions in a manner that directs contributors to mail or deliver a contribution to "any room or building occupied in the discharge of official duties . . ." Violations of this section are subject to fines and up to three years of imprisonment.
Received $30,000 contributions Received contributions from DeLay’s ARMPAC, linked to Abramoff which she refuses to return until Delay is found guilty.
Colorado - Sexual Assault, Child Pornography
Investigation: Larry D Floyd (R-Denton County Constable)
Disposition: Arrested charged with one count of soliciting for child prostitution, three counts of enticement of a child and three counts of attempted sexual assault on a child.
Investigation: Larry Jack Schwarz, Republican parole board officer and former Colorado state representative.
Disposition: fired after child pornography was found in his possession.
Investigation: Colorado Republican Party activist Randal David Ankeney
Disposition: charged in a second sexual-assault incident, following his July arrest involving a Disposition: 14-year-old girl he had met in an Internet chat room.
Investigation: Gov. John Rowland
Disposition: Convicted, imprisoned 2004
Investigation: Rep. Rob Simmons
Disposition: Received contributions from Abramoff
Investigation: Peter N. Ellef, Mr. Rowland's co-chief of staff.
Disposition: pleaded guilty to conspiring to commit bribery
Investigation: William A. Tomasso, Mr. Ellef's close friend, whose family's companies won more than $100 million in contracts under Mr. Rowland's administration.
Disposition: pleaded guilty to conspiring to commit bribery
Connecticut - Sexual Assault, Child Pornography
Investigation: Philip Giordano, former Republican mayor of Waterbury, CT,
Disposition: convicted of forcing two 8 and 10 year old girls to perform oral sex on him. Sentenced to 37 years.
Investigation: Peter Dibble, a Republican legislator
Disposition: pleaded no contest to having an inappropriate relationship with a 13-year-old girl.
Investigation: Attorney General Jane Brady
Disposition: Accused of helping MBNA Bank of Wilmington skirt campaign finance laws.
Washington DC
Investigation: Chicago Federal Grand Jury is investigating George W. Bush and his Administration's involvement in the outing of a CIA Operative, Valerie Plame.
Investigation: Vice President Dick Cheney(Cabal Chief). Believes in Govt nondisclosure policies. All evidence of Cheney wrongdoing is 'classified'. Cheney has no problem lying to the American People. He's been caught several times lying on camera, but refuses to be questioned under oath. Grrrrr.
Disposition: No bid contracts, torture policy, hidden energy policies, environmental destruction policies, was Chairman and CEO of Halliburton during it's . Cheney's Halliburton stock options were worth $241,498 a year ago -- are now valued at more than $8 million. Assigned Halliburton and Betchel to rebuild coastal military bases in New Orleans and Missisppi with no bid contracts.
Basically, he's a S.O.B. and we're going to get him! War Criminal! TREASON!
Windows media: LINK
Realplayer: LINK
Cheney's rap sheet is just too extensive to add to this list. I hope to put him in his own catagory soon
Investigation: Ralph Reed Former Executive Director of the Christian Coalition. Has called gambling a "cancer on the American body politic."
Disposition: Recieved $3.8 million in payments from 2001-2002 from a former aide of Tom Delay, which specifically benefitted two tribal clients in their efforts to protect casino interests.
Investigation: Adam Kidan, DC Dial-a-Mattress franchise in DC and Abramoff associate
Disposition: Indicted, wire fraud, conspiracy
Investigation: Steve Rosen, American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC)
Disposition: Indicted for criminal conspiracy involving classified national security information
Investigation: Keith Weismann, AIPAC
Disposition: Indicted for criminal conspiracy involving classified national security information
Investigation: Larry Franklin, Colonel, USAF Reserves, Dept. of Defense
Disposition: Indicted for criminal conspiracy involving classified national security information
Investigation: Lewis “Scooter” Libby, Vice President;s Chief of Staff
Disposition: (5 Count)Indictment: obstruction of justice, making false statements and perjury in the investigation into the leak of a covert CIA agent’s name.
Investigation: David Addington, New Vice President's Chief of Staff. Background in Federalist Society. Attorney for White House during the Iran-Contra Affair. Believes Military lawyers should have less power. He believes in the Presidents, and the agencies the president is responsible for, should have complete nondisclosure powers in govt. He was a principal author of the White House memo justifying the torture of terrorism suspects. He also strongly endorsed holding suspects without access to the legal system, a measure rebuked by the Supreme Court.
Disposition: mentioned in Lewis Libby's indictment.
Investigation: Richard Perle, Pentagon's Defense Policy Board
Disposition: forced to resign after it was learned he'd been advising Goldman Sachs International, an habitual Bilderberg attendee, on how it might profit from the war in Iraq.
Investigation: Karl Rove, White House Deputy Chief of Staff
Disposition: Continued investigation by Grand Jury. Probed for illegal disclosure of CIA classified information.
Sixteen former CIA and military intelligence officials on Tuesday urged President Bush to suspend his top political adviser Karl Rove's security clearance following revelations that he played a role in outing CIA officer Valerie Plame.
Investigation: Italia Federicie, current chief of Council of Republican Environmental Activists (CREA),
Disposition: expected witness, Ms. Federicie did not show up for questioning by McCain's Senate panel. McCain said he willl send a Federal Marshall out to find her.
Ms. Federicie received $250,000 from Tribal/Abramoff contributions.
Investigation: Michael Rosetti, former Interior Department Counsel
Disposition: Questioned by Senate Panel, rejected testimony made by J. Steven Giles
Investigation: J. Steven Griles, a former deputy Interior secretary
Disposition: hearing focused on whether Abramoff, when working for the Coushatta tribe of Louisiana, relied on Griles to influence the Interior Department to block a rival tribe from opening a casino that would compete with the Coushattas' gaming business. Griles said he rejected the offer and reported it to ethics officials.
{snipped for length}
Investigation: US Rep. Eric Cantor, R-VA., the House Chief Deputy whip, along with 30 members of the House Republican leadership, signed a letter to Interior Secretary Gale Norton on June 10, 2003, that helped lobbyist Jack Abramoff's clients. The lawmaker received about $31,500 from Abramoff, his lobbying partners and tribal clients between 2001 and 2004, including roughly $4,500 in the period around which the letter was sent. Rep. Cantor also used Abramoff's restaurant, Signatures, for a fund-raiser or other event, records show." (Associated Press, 11/17/05)
Disposition: "pay-to-play scandals" with Abramoff and Duke Cunningham.
Investigation: Jerry Kilgore, gubernatorial candidate
Disposition: Received $5000 from MZM, Inc.
Investigation: Edmund Matricardi III, former executive director of the Republican Party of Virginia
Disposition: guilty in 2003 to a single federal count of intercepting a wire communication, a week before he was to go on trial for eavesdropping on Democratic conference calls...charged with five counts stemming from his listening to and taping two different conference calls in which Democrats discussed strategy in their lawsuit against the new legislative districts Republicans drew in 2001.
Investigation: Claudia Tucker, chief of staff to former state House Speaker S. Vance Wilkins Jr. listened in on 1, of the 5, Democratic Party Conference calls with Edmund Matricardi III.
Disposition: pleaded guilty to a misdemeanor.
Investigation: Rep. Eric Cantor
Disposition: Received contributions from Abramoff
Investigation: Rep. Randy Forbes
Disposition: Received contributions from Abramoff
Investigation: Sen. George Allen
Disposition: Received contributions from Abramoff
Investigation: Rep. Tom Davis
Disposition: Received contributions from Abramoff and Kidan.
Virginia - Scandal, Sexual Assault, Child Pornography
Investigation: Robin Vanderwall (R- Republican strategist and Citadel Military College graduate)
Disposition: convicted in Virginia on five counts of soliciting sex from boys and girls over the internet.
Investigation: Parker J. Bena, a Republican activist and presidential electors for Virginia
Disposition: pleaded guilty to possession of child pornography on his home computer and was sentenced to 30 months in federal prison and fined $18,000.
Investigation: Richard A. Delgaudio, (pictured, right), of Burke, Va., who is a nationally-known Republican party fund-raiser.
Disposition: facing child porn charges.
Investigation: Mark Grethen, a Virginia businessman, too whom the National Republican Congress Committee, or NRCC, awarded the “Republican of the Year Award”. Grethen had been invited to accept the award at a luncheon of the NRCC’s Business Advisory Council, which raises money to elect GOP candidates to the U.S. House of Representatives, and was then chaired by U.S. Rep. Tom Davis, R-Va.
Disposition: The NRCC rescinded the award after learning that Grethen was unavailable to attend the awards dinner because he was serving time for multiple sex crimes against children. Grethen was convicted in 2001 of six sex crimes involving children - two counts each of forcible sodomy, aggravated sexual battery and indecent liberties, and was in jail at the time of his invitation to accept the GOP award.
Investigation: Rep. George Nethercutt
Disposition: Received contributions from Abramoff
Investigation: Rep. Doc Hastings
Disposition: Received contributions from Abramoff
Investigation Target: Rep. Dave Reichert, R-Wash
Disposition: Received contributions through DeLay’s ARMPAC, Cheney linked to Abramoff.
Investigation: Spokane Mayor Jim West, who championed an anti-gay agenda during his tenure as one of the most powerful Republicans in the Legislature, yesterday admitted to using the trappings of his current office to entice what he thought was a young adult man but denied allegations that he molested two young boys more than 20 years ago.
Disposition: Under Federal and state investigation for abusing his office to obtain sexual favors and soliciting sex over the Internet from underage males. After becoming Mayor of Spokane, West was using his Mayoral Office to set up dates with young men. A Special Ballot vote was set up to decide if a special election should be set up. The Special Ballot voting will be held on Dec 6, 2005. A hearing has been scheduled for Oct. 12 before Judge Richard Miller in Adams County Superior Court.
OKthatsITDec 1 2005, 09:43 PM
Investigation: Rep. George Nethercutt
Disposition: Received contributions from Abramoff
Investigation: Rep. Doc Hastings
Disposition: Received contributions from Abramoff
Investigation Target: Rep. Dave Reichert, R-Wash
Disposition: Received contributions through DeLay’s ARMPAC, Cheney linked to Abramoff.
Investigation: Spokane Mayor Jim West, who championed an anti-gay agenda during his tenure as one of the most powerful Republicans in the Legislature, yesterday admitted to using the trappings of his current office to entice what he thought was a young adult man but denied allegations that he molested two young boys more than 20 years ago.
Disposition: Under Federal and state investigation for abusing his office to obtain sexual favors and soliciting sex over the Internet from underage males. After becoming Mayor of Spokane, West was using his Mayoral Office to set up dates with young men. A Special Ballot vote was set up to decide if a special election should be set up. The Special Ballot voting will be held on Dec 6, 2005. A hearing has been scheduled for Oct. 12 before Judge Richard Miller in Adams County Superior Court.
Investigation: Paul Ingram, Republican Party leader of Thurston County, Washington,
Disposition: pleaded guilty to six counts of raping his daughters and served 14 years in federal prison.
NOTE: Paul Ingram has since recanted his plea and cries 'wrongly accused'. His daughters have not changed their testimonies.
West Virginia
Investigation: Rep. Shelly Moore Capito
Disposition: Received contributions from. DeLay’s ARMPAC, linked to Abramoff
Investigation: Rep. Paul Ryan
Disposition: Received contributions from Abramoff
Investigation: US Rep. Mark Green (R-Green Bay)
Disposition: Received $30,000 in contributions from. DeLay’s ARMPAC, linked to Abramoff.
Green's former Chief of Staff and current campaign manager, Mark Graul, accepted free tickets for skyboxes from Abramhoff. US Rep. Mark Green is being investigated for financial misconduct. Green is now running for Governor. And Graul is his Campaign Manager.
Investigation: Nicholas Hurtgen of Glencoe, a former aide to Gov. Tommy Thompson®.
Disposition: has been indicted on seven charges of mail and wire fraud and extortion.
Wisconsin - Sexual Assault, Child Pornography
Investigation: Mark Harris (R- City Councilman)
Disposition: who is described as a "good military man" and "church goer," was convicted of repeatedly having sex with an 11-year-old girl and sentenced to 12 years in prison.
Investigation: Sen. Mike Enzi
Disposition: Received contributions from Abramoff
Investigation: Rep. Barbara Cubin
Disposition: Received contributions from Abramoff
Investigation: CPB Chairman Ken Tomlinson.
Disposition: Inspector General Kenneth Konz was requested for an investigation, in the form of a letter from Reps. David Obey (D-Wis.) and John Dingell (D-Mich.). CPB increasingly is making personnel and funding decisions on the basis of political ideology are extremely troubling."
Investigation: Karl Rove and Kenneth Tomlinson, then chairman of the Corporation for Public Broadcasting, discussed creating a ``conservative'' talk show and adding it to the public television lineup, the organization's top investigator said.
Former CPB Chairman Ken Tomlinson Resigns:
Ken Ferree resgns fromm the CPB:
CPB Report on Misconduct: LINK
Investigation: Armstrong Williams
Disposition: The GAO said the Education Department's contract with Williams violated the law barring publicity or propaganda that did not disclose that the government had sponsored it and taxpayer funds were used.
Investigators at the Education Department have contacted the U.S. attorney's office regarding the Bush administration's hiring of commentator Armstrong Williams to promote its agenda. The action was disclosed by Sen. Frank Lautenberg, D-New Jersey, who has pressed for a criminal fraud investigation focused on questions about whether Williams actually performed the work cited in his monthly reports to the Education Department. The Government Accountability Office has concluded that the Education Department engaged in illegal ''covert propaganda'' by hiring Williams to promote the No Child Left Behind Act without requiring him to disclose that he was being paid.
The attorney's office has a range of potential remedies, from suing to recover the money to possible criminal charges, said Dan Katz, chief counsel for Lautenberg.
Investigation: Bush Administration
Disposition: violated laws prohibiting the use of covert propaganda when it secretly paid broadcaster/ columnist Armstrong Williams to promote its education policies, and by hiring a public relations company to analyze media perceptions of the Republican Party, the U.S. Government Accountability Office said Friday.
Senate panel pushes disclosure in govt. news:
Investigation: Rush Limbaugh, a conservative talk show host. Allegedly 'doctor shopped' for pills. He claims he was being blackmailed by his housekeeper about his addiction to pain killers.
Disposition: ongoing investigation.
Investigation: Bill O'Reilly Right-wing conservative talk show host on Fox News,
Disposition: sued for 'sexual harrassment' by his producer.
She said O'Reilly told her: "If any woman ever breathed a word I'll make her pay so dearly that she'll wish she'd never been/ born. I'll rake her through the mud, bring up things in her life and make her so miserable that she'll be destroyed."
Investigation: Republican talk show host Jon Matthews of Houston
Disposition: Indicted for indecency with a child, including exposing his genitals to a girl under the age of 17.
Investigation: Chris Ruleman, a Christian radio host for WFFI, 94FM The Fish in Nashville, Tennessee,
Disposition: arrested on March 18, 2005 for possession of child pornography by members of the FBI's Violent Crimes Task Force and local police.
Investigation: "Focus on the Family", a conservative, non-profit organization led by its Founder and Chairman James C. Dobson. Dr. Dobson's commentaries are heard by more than 220 million people by way of radio every day, including a translation of a program carried on state-owned radio stations in the Republic of China. He is seen on 80 television stations daily in the U.S.
Disposition: Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington (CREW) today filed an Internal Revenue Services (IRS) complaint.
Hypocrite: Judith Miller, The NY Times and The Bush Administration
Exposed: a criminal conspiracy by the Bush administration, aided and abetted by both Congress and the media, to drag the American people into a war based upon lies.
Hypocrite: Joe Scarborough, former Republican Congressman, currently a conservative talk show host.
Exposed: Resigned his congressional seat abruptly to spend more time with his family, amidst allegations of an affair. His intern, Lori Klausutis, was soon after found dead in his office. The medical examiner, who had his license revoked in Missouri for falsifying information in an autopsy report, and suspended in florida for six years, ruled the case an accident, after giving conflicting information about her injuries. He said he lied about them because "The last thing we wanted was 40 questions about a head injury."
Hypocrite: Richard Parsons, Chairman and CEO of Time Warner
Exposed: barred a conversation with Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia from being on the record, cut a massive $25,000 check to the Republican National Committee in 2004, and according to Newsmeat.com has given $119,750 to Republican candidates and just $12,000 to Democrats.
NOTE: A Special Thanks to Investigative Journalist, Wayne Madsen, for his work on the list which gave me the inspiration to compile EVERY indictment, allegation, conviction and sentencing of the entire GOP! THANKS!
NOTE: You have my permission to post, email or print this 'scorecard' in its complete form. If you are reposting this scorecard onto another blog or website, please create a link directed back to this 'RandiRhodesShow' address.
Thank You -
OKthatsITDec 1 2005, 09:45 PM
Investigation: Sen. Charles Grassley
Disposition: Received contributions from Abramoff
Investigation: US Rep. Jim Nussle and GOP gubernatorial candidate.
Disposition: Received $15,000 contributions Tom DeLay’s PAC and $1000 from the "Friends of Duke Cunningham". Nussle has refused to return any of these funds.
Investigation: Mike Hintz, a First Assembly of God youth pastor in DES MOINES, Iowa, introduced by Bush on the campaign trail and promoted his policies.
Disposition: married father of four turned himself into police, charged with the sexual exploitation of a child.
Investigation: Rep. Jim Ryun
Disposition: Received contributions from Abramoff
Investigation: Sen. Sam Brownback
Disposition: Received contributions from Abramoff
Investigation: Adam Taff
Disposition: 2004 congressional candidate (KS-3), indicted for campaign violations amnd wire fraud.
Investigation: Gov. Ernie Fletcher
Disposition: Criminal probe in a state employees’ merit system scandal. Received contributions from. DeLay’s ARMPAC, linked to Abramoff.
Investigation: Dick Murgatroyd (KY)-Governor Ernie Fletcher's Deputy Chief of Staff
Disposition: Indicted in Hiring Probe
Investigation: Transportation Commissioner Dan Druen
Disposition: Merit system scandal, witness tampering. Indicted.
Investigation: Deputy Personnel Secretary Bob Wilson
Disposition: Merit system scandal. Indicted
Investigation: GDarrell Brock, Chairman of Kentucky GOP
Disposition: Merit system scandal. Indicted.
Investigation: Gov. Personnel Adviser Basil Turbyfill
Disposition: Merit system scandal. Indicted
Investigation: Transportation Secretary ill Nighbert
Disposition: Merit system scandal. Indicted
Investigation: Dick Murgatroyd, Gov. Deputy Chief of Staff
Disposition: Merit system scandal. Indicted
Investigation: Jim Adams, Deputy Transportation Secretary
Disposition: Merit system scandal. Indicted
Investigation: Cory Meadows, Executive Director, Transportation Dept.
Disposition: Merit system scandal. Indicted
Investigation: Environmental Protection Commissioner Lloyd Cress
Disposition: Probed in merit system scandal
Investigation: Sen. Jim Bunning
Disposition: Received contributions from Abramoff
Investigation: Lt. Gov. Stephen Pence
Disposition: Received contributions from. DeLay’s ARMPAC, linked to Abramoff
Investigation: Kenneth Day, a convicted felon and Republican county election commissioner
Disposition: pleaded guilty to heading the drug ring from his Clay County pawnshop.
Investigation: Jennings B. White, a former county clerk
Disposition: pleads guilty to drug charges to eight federal counts of marijuana trafficking and money laundering in connection with a ring that authorities say sold millions of dollars in drugs.
Kentucky - Sexual Assault, Child Pornography
Investigation:Bobby Stumbo, a former Floyd County republican leader
Disposition: Charged with sexually abusing a five year old boy.
Investigation: Sen. David Vitter
Disposition: Linked to Abramoff in a case involving a Louisiana Indian tribe.
Hypocrite: US Rep. Robert Livingston (R-LA)
Exposed: Martyred himself during the Clinton's impeachment proceedings, resigned from office for having an affair, outside of his marraige.
OKthatsITDec 1 2005, 09:47 PM
Sorry I had the 'states' in a mix...I didnt realize those states didnt take hold.
NEXT WEEK added feature
- Electronic Voting Corruption, State by State
- Energy Corruption, US GOVT
OKthatsITDec 1 2005, 11:02 PM
>Nice job expanding it to include the sex perverts in the GOP and
>some others I missed.
I saw somewhere that an aide to VA Gov.
>candidate Jerry Kilgore was arrested for trying to proposition a 13
>yr old who turned out to be an undercover cop. I believe the name
>was Vandenhall or something similar. Family values!
And then there
>is Scooter Libby's revolting novel about bestiality and pedophilia
>Thanks for sending people to the web site -- its turned into a full
>time job.
>w madsen
OKthatsITDec 1 2005, 11:39 PM
Fortenberry money from tainted source going to charity (R-Ne)
Published Thursday December 1, 2005
U.S. Rep. Jeff Fortenberry of Nebraska said Wednesday that he would donate to charity the $4,000 his campaign received last year from disgraced former Rep. Randy "Duke" Cunningham of California.
Fortenberry said he would give the money to the People's City Mission in Lincoln.
He made the announcement after Nebraska Democrats called for him to give up the "dirty dollars."
Republican Fortenberry was elected last year to replace longtime Republican Rep. Doug Bereuter.
"To help restore confidence in the institution of Congress, (Fortenberry) believes it is the right thing to do to donate the money," said Paul Webster, his chief of staff.
Fortenberry received $4,000 from Cunningham's political action committee, American Prosperity, in October 2004, shortly before he won his first election to Congress in Nebraska's 1st District. The investigation into Cunningham's financial transactions was not made public until July.
Cunningham resigned from Congress this week after admitting that he had accepted $2.4 million in bribes from defense contractors. He now faces jail time.
Democrats said the Cunningham scandal was an example of corruption within the Republican ranks.
"These campaign contributions are yet another chain linking Fortenberry to the culture of corruption in the Republican Party," said Steve Achelpohl, chairman of the Nebraska Democratic Party.
Cunningham's campaign committee donated to many Republican candidates. Key donors to the committee were defense contractors.
One of the donors was the defense firm MZM Inc. of Washington, D.C. - the same firm that purchased Cunningham's house for $1.6 million.
The house sale played a pivotal role in Cunningham's downfall. An investigation into Cunningham's affairs began after it became known that MZM bought the house and then sold it a year later for a $700,000 loss.
U.S. Rep. Jim Nussle of Iowa, also a Republican, on Tuesday donated to a local charity the $1,000 that he received from Cunningham's group.
OKthatsITDec 2 2005, 12:17 AM
Justice Department lawyers concluded that the landmark Texas congressional redistricting plan spearheaded by Rep. Tom DeLay ® violated the Voting Rights Act, according to a previously undisclosed memo obtained by The Washington Post. But senior officials overruled them and approved the plan.
OKthatsITDec 2 2005, 12:19 AM
Prosecutors Urged to Investigate Ralph Reed's Covert Lobbying
Reed Reportedly Received Millions to Lobby In Texas-But He Never Registered With State as Required
OKthatsITDec 2 2005, 01:31 AM
Oil Corruption
Senate Democrats demand investigation of oil execs
By Tom Doggett
Thu Dec 1, 3:58 PM ET
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The U.S. Senate's top Democrat on Thursday called for a probe of whether major oil company executives lied to Congress when they testified that their companies did not participate in a 2001 task force that prepared the Bush administration's energy policy.
a_blue_georgiaDec 2 2005, 06:22 AM
QUOTE(OKthatsIT @ Dec 1 2005, 09:47 PM)
Sorry I had the 'states' in a mix...I didnt realize those states didnt take hold.
NEXT WEEK added feature
- Electronic Voting Corruption, State by State
- Energy Corruption, US GOVT
That sounds great. (Health/Pharmaceutical would be nice, maybe Environment too.)
OKthatsITDec 2 2005, 11:43 AM
QUOTE(a_blue_georgia @ Dec 2 2005, 07:22 AM)
That sounds great. (Health/Pharmaceutical would be nice, maybe Environment too.)
OKthatsITDec 2 2005, 12:19 PM
OMG...now we're hearing about Abramoff's crew brokering jobs for Congressional Aides! ( LINK)
a_blue_georgiaDec 3 2005, 11:30 AM
A "Health/Pharmaceutical" section could certainly include guys like the following (and many more):
- Bill Frist
- Donald Rumsfeld
- Lester Crawford
- Scott Gottlieb
- John Agwunobi
- John Eschenbach
- Admiral William Crowe
- George H.W. Bush
I'm not sure which of those you already have on the list. I'll try to post links for all of them. I probably have them in other threads already.
When you think about corporate coruption in this area, some of the companies to consider are:
- Bioport getting anthrax vaccine contracts after anthrax scare LinkLink
- CSC getting tularemia contract after tukaremia scare Link Link
- Roche profitting from avian flu scare Link
- ImClone getting fda approval for useless cancer drug (below)Link
I'll start here, ImClone. There are several different paths to follow from ImClone, but I like this one that points straight to George W Bush (and Bristol-Myers Squib CEO, Charles A. Heimbold, Jr.)
Political Payback
This approval could be seen as a gift from the Bush Administration to Bristol-Myers Squibb, a company that was among the President's top ten donors in 2000. According to an online public interest newsletter:
"Executives at drug giant Bristol-Myers Squibb were pressured to make maximum donations to the Bush campaign in 2000. Reluctant donors were warned that CEO Charles A. Heimbold, Jr. would be informed if they failed to give. Bush later named Heimbold as Ambassador to Sweden. More importantly, since 1999 the pharmaceutical industry pooled $42.1 million for Bush and other GOP candidates." (Aaron 2004).
"For Bristol-Myers," the New York Times said, "the approval represents a delayed payoff for the unprecedented $2 billion deal it signed with ImClone for marketing rights in September 2001.
Bristol was desperate for a new product to replace its cancer drug Taxol, which began facing generic competition" (Pollack, 2004). The approval sends a clear message that the Bush Administration will never stand in the way of the drug industry's headlong rush for megaprofits.
grampy9134Dec 3 2005, 11:53 AM
QUOTE(OKthatsIT @ Dec 2 2005, 01:31 AM)
Oil Corruption
Senate Democrats demand investigation of oil execs
By Tom Doggett
Thu Dec 1, 3:58 PM ET
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The U.S. Senate's top Democrat on Thursday called for a probe of whether major oil company executives lied to Congress when they testified that their companies did not participate in a 2001 task force that prepared the Bush administration's energy policy.
OKthatsITDec 3 2005, 03:08 PM
QUOTE(a_blue_georgia @ Dec 3 2005, 12:30 PM)
A "Health/Pharmaceutical" section could certainly include guys like the following (and many more):
- Bill Frist
- Donald Rumsfeld
- Lester Crawford
- Scott Gottlieb
- John Agwunobi
- John Eschenbach
- Admiral William Crowe
- George H.W. Bush
I'm not sure which of those you already have on the list. I'll try to post links for all of them. I probably have them in other threads already.
When you think about corporate coruption in this area, some of the companies to consider are:
- Bioport getting anthrax vaccine contracts after anthrax scare LinkLink
- CSC getting tularemia contract after tukaremia scare Link Link
- Roche profitting from avian flu scare Link
- ImClone getting fda approval for useless cancer drug (below)Link
I'll start here, ImClone. There are several different paths to follow from ImClone, but I like this one that points straight to George W Bush (and Bristol-Myers Squib CEO, Charles A. Heimbold, Jr.)
Political Payback
This approval could be seen as a gift from the Bush Administration to Bristol-Myers Squibb, a company that was among the President's top ten donors in 2000. According to an online public interest newsletter:
"Executives at drug giant Bristol-Myers Squibb were pressured to make maximum donations to the Bush campaign in 2000. Reluctant donors were warned that CEO Charles A. Heimbold, Jr. would be informed if they failed to give. Bush later named Heimbold as Ambassador to Sweden. More importantly, since 1999 the pharmaceutical industry pooled $42.1 million for Bush and other GOP candidates." (Aaron 2004).
"For Bristol-Myers," the New York Times said, "the approval represents a delayed payoff for the unprecedented $2 billion deal it signed with ImClone for marketing rights in September 2001.
Bristol was desperate for a new product to replace its cancer drug Taxol, which began facing generic competition" (Pollack, 2004). The approval sends a clear message that the Bush Administration will never stand in the way of the drug industry's headlong rush for megaprofits.
Blue...I think we need to 'partner up' here.
DU has asked me to put the SCORECARD in the permanent, but editable, 'Research Forums' section. It would have unlimiited space...and I think we need it.
The downside of Randi's blog format is its limited space AND we can't re-edit it. I understand the 'safeguards' of this format...I know a lot about search engine strategies and having to recreate a new SCORECARD page, each time we revise it, weakens the position in the search engines. If we had a permanent location, here, then we'd be able to blast it all over the world! DU is offering this, now.
Also, I dont want the Mods, here, to get all bent out of shape once the project grows beyond their comfort....which it will. It's too bad they only give Libertas the 'key to re-edit' posts here. If we had the priviledge, we could keep the size down by working and editing the SCORECARD.
As for expanding into the Drug Industry and Environment....it's really time consuming reading all the articles, then deciding what to put in the 'headline'...i.e. Investigation:
I'm trying to 'minimize the info' so people can quickly scan through the card without becoming overwhelmed with wordiness...BUT, in order to 'minimized', I have to pick out the 'highlights'...its alot of reading.
When you do the research and throw me a link...could you 'minimize' using the same feature? Investigation: Disposition: OR Hypocrite: Exposed: OR WATCH:
I'm all for going after the FASCIST Corporations and Politicians...
a_blue_georgiaDec 4 2005, 09:04 AM
QUOTE(OKthatsIT @ Dec 3 2005, 03:08 PM)
Blue...I think we need to 'partner up' here.
DU has asked me to put the SCORECARD in the permanent, but editable, 'Research Forums' section. It would have unlimiited space...and I think we need it.
The downside of Randi's blog format is its limited space AND we can't re-edit it. I understand the 'safeguards' of this format...I know a lot about search engine strategies and having to recreate a new SCORECARD page, each time we revise it, weakens the position in the search engines. If we had a permanent location, here, then we'd be able to blast it all over the world! DU is offering this, now.
Also, I dont want the Mods, here, to get all bent out of shape once the project grows beyond their comfort....which it will. It's too bad they only give Libertas the 'key to re-edit' posts here. If we had the priviledge, we could keep the size down by working and editing the SCORECARD.
I'm in. Let me know what you need.
The two together could be interesting. On evert update, link to the DU from the RR thread, so that no matter which thread you come from, you can find the most current list. Likewise, link from DU back to these threads, as they are sometimes as interesting as the list itself.
Interesting google finds:
- the scorecard on WayneMadsenReport:
- ThinkProgress attributing it to WayneMadsen:
-evilgopbastards link to madsen:
there's more. worth a look
a_blue_georgiaDec 4 2005, 09:06 AM
QUOTE(a_blue_georgia @ Dec 4 2005, 09:04 AM)
I'm in. Let me know what you need.
The two together could be interesting. On evert update, link to the DU from the RR thread, so that no matter which thread you come from, you can find the most current list. Likewise, link from DU back to these threads, as they are sometimes as interesting as the list itself.
Interesting google finds:
- the scorecard on WayneMadsenReport:
- ThinkProgress attributing it to WayneMadsen:
-evilgopbastards link to madsen:
there's more. worth a look
silly me. I never read your footnote.
OKthatsITDec 4 2005, 01:31 PM
I've been talking to him(Madsen)...email, anyway. I started out by asking for his permission to use his research on Abramoff. This 'kick-started' this ongoing project.
As for DU, Research Forums...I dont like the 'open edit' function. Anyone has access to sabotage the work. If this were on a less threatening topic, I'd take up their offer. But this topic will magnetize the worst, I'm afraid.
OKthatsITDec 4 2005, 01:39 PM
Have you seen my post on Peak Oil Lies? Its worth checking out... Though I am approaching this news with added caution...we need alternative energy, not Oil.
But I am going to bring up the controversy
check it out.
a_blue_georgiaDec 4 2005, 04:59 PM
QUOTE(OKthatsIT @ Dec 4 2005, 01:39 PM)
Have you seen my post on Peak Oil Lies? Its worth checking out... Though I am approaching this news with added caution...we need alternative energy, not Oil.
But I am going to bring up the controversy
check it out.
check out what else I found at worldnetdaily:
OKthatsITDec 4 2005, 10:47 PM
QUOTE(a_blue_georgia @ Dec 4 2005, 05:59 PM)
check out what else I found at worldnetdaily:
Yes I heard about that farce, too. Hence the necessary liability protections, ey?
Oh...should add....and laughing all the way to the bank!
OKthatsITDec 4 2005, 11:16 PM
Criminal trial related to California energy crisis may start soon
by Jason Leopold
December 3, 2005
OKthatsITDec 6 2005, 05:41 PM
The greening of Italia Federici
To buy influence at the White House, GOP operative Jack Abramoff gave $500,000 in tribal loot to a Gale Norton pal who heads an "environmental" nonprofit.
By Michael Scherer
Photo by AP Photo/Yuri Gripas
Italia Federici swears in before the Senate Indian Affairs Committee in Washington Thursday.
Italia Federici is a minor Republican player in Washington, the sort of dime-a-dozen functionary who can build a career trading favors in back rooms and producing political campaigns for moneyed interests. Her specialty is the environment. She leads a conservative front-group called the Council of Republicans for Environmental Advocacy, or CREA, a tiny outfit, originally founded by Interior Secretary Gale Norton, that argues it is healthy for forests to clear cut trees, good for the air to weaken air quality controls, and "environmentally responsible" to drill for oil in the Alaskan wilderness.
For the past five years, Federici has limited her public activities to supporting President Bush's environmental plans. She claims that traditional environmentalists, groups like the Sierra Club and Democrats like Sen. John Kerry, D-Mass., are dishonest and deceptive. But that is just the public face of Federici. In private, she has played a very different role in Washington, one that has now put her in the middle of the largest political ethics scandals in a decade.
posted by 'Kristen'. thanks!
OKthatsITDec 6 2005, 06:07 PM
Diebold insider alleges company plagued by technical woes, Diebold defends 'sterling' record
Miriam Raftery
In an exclusive interview with RAW STORY, a whistleblower from electronic voting heavyweight Diebold Election Systems Inc. raised grave concerns about the company’s electronic voting technology and of electronic voting in general, bemoaning an electoral system the insider feels has been compromised by corporate privatization.
The Diebold insider, who took on the appellation “Dieb-Throat” in an interview with voting rights advocate Brad Friedman (BradBlog.com), was once a staunch supporter of electronic voting’s potential to produce more accurate results than punch cards.
But the company insider became disillusioned after witnessing repeated efforts by Diebold to evade meeting legal requirements or implementing appropriate security measures, putting corporate interests ahead of the interests of voters.
OKthatsITDec 6 2005, 06:13 PM
Investigation: George Tenet, former CIA Director
Disposition: The American Civil Liberties Union will file a lawsuit today against former CIA director George Tenet and three American contractors challenging the CIA’s abduction of a foreign national for detention and interrogation in a secret overseas prison.
The suit also charges that the three corporations that owned and operated the airplane used to transport El-Masri to detention in Afghanistan are legally responsible for assisting in the violation of his civil and human rights. These corporations supplied the aircraft and provided the personnel used in the illicit transportation of El-Masri, knowing that the transfer was illegal, according to the ACLU.
OKthatsITDec 6 2005, 07:03 PM
Records Show Burns' Abramoff Meetings
WASHINGTON, Dec. 6, 2005
(AP) Sen. Conrad Burns and his staff met Jack Abramoff's lobbying team on at least eight occasions and collected $12,000 in donations around the time that the lawmaker took legislative action favorable to Abramoff's clients in the Northern Mariana Islands, records show.
OKthatsITDec 6 2005, 07:20 PM
QUOTE(OKthatsIT @ Dec 6 2005, 08:03 PM)
Records Show Burns' Abramoff Meetings
WASHINGTON, Dec. 6, 2005
(AP) Sen. Conrad Burns and his staff met Jack Abramoff's lobbying team on at least eight occasions and collected $12,000 in donations around the time that the lawmaker took legislative action favorable to Abramoff's clients in the Northern Mariana Islands, records show.
This is when the politician is in trouble. Being a recipient of Abramoff funds is NOT the legal issue...imo. But this particular evidence is serious.
Dems can rest easy with their conscience on this. Many Dems promote Tribal economies and developments. I can believe the money was accepted without knowing there was any Abramoff influence.
Again, WE are better off with 'campaign finance reform'
OKthatsITDec 6 2005, 11:37 PM
Deeper into the Wilkes/MZM scandals
The good news is that reporters working for the mainstream media have caught on -- in part. They understand that Randy "Duke" Cunningham is hardly the only Republican politician to receive economic "assistance" from Brent Wilkes, head of the Poway-based "defense" firm ADCS -- a.k.a. the Wilkes Corporation, a.k.a. Group W Advisors, a.k.a. lots of other names.
The truth: Wilkes was a mechanism by which public funds earmarked for national defense were funneled to G.O.P. candidates and causes.
Basically, this is a heads up. Wilkes Corp used fabricated "subsidiaries" as funding mechanisms. Lots of Reps involved here. Is Cunningham taking the fall for many others?
TheStripey1Dec 7 2005, 02:33 PM
Under Texas - sex crimes, you have Jon Matthews listed three times with the same links...
OKthatsITDec 8 2005, 09:32 AM
QUOTE(TheStripey1 @ Dec 7 2005, 03:33 PM)
Under Texas - sex crimes, you have Jon Matthews listed three times with the same links...
hey thanks for the heads up!
OKthatsITDec 8 2005, 09:07 PM
KC election board selects Diebold system
The Kansas City Star
The Kansas City Election Board has chosen Ohio-based Diebold Election Systems to provide hundreds of new touch-screen and optical scan voting machines for city voters in 2006.
OKthatsITDec 8 2005, 09:35 PM
Diebold execs gave to GOP despite ban
Thursday, December 08, 2005
Julie Carr Smyth
Plain Dealer Bureau
-- Money from three Diebold executives began trickling into two Republican campaigns last August, just two months after the voting-machine maker banned political giving by a handful of its top brass.
Mike Jacobsen, a spokesman for the manufacturer based in Green, Ohio, expressed regret over the donations, which totaled $1,400 to U.S. Sen. Mike DeWine and state Sen. Kirk Schuring of Canton, according to campaign finance reports.
OKthatsITDec 8 2005, 11:44 PM
North Carolina
December 08, 2005
North Carolina Sued for Illegally Certifying Voting Equipment
EFF Asks Court to Void Approval of Diebold and Others Without Source Code Review
Raleigh, North Carolina - The Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF) on Thursday filed a complaint against the North Carolina Board of Elections and the North Carolina Office of Information Technology Services on behalf of voting integrity advocate Joyce McCloy, asking that the Superior Court void the recent illegal certification of three electronic voting systems.
OKthatsITDec 9 2005, 03:03 PM
Bush on the Constitution: 'It's just a goddamned piece of paper'
Dec 9, 2005, 07:53
Last month, Republican Congressional leaders filed into the Oval Office to meet with President George W. Bush and talk about renewing the controversial USA Patriot Act.
Several provisions of the act, passed in the shell shocked period immediately following the 9/11 terrorist attacks, caused enough anger that liberal groups like the American Civil Liberties Union had joined forces with prominent conservatives like Phyllis Schlafly and Bob Barr to oppose renewal.
GOP leaders told Bush that his hardcore push to renew the more onerous provisions of the act could further alienate conservatives still mad at the President from his botched attempt to nominate White House Counsel Harriet Miers to the Supreme Court.
“I don’t give a goddamn,” Bush retorted. “I’m the President and the Commander-in-Chief. Do it my way.”
“Mr. President,” one aide in the meeting said. “There is a valid case that the provisions in this law undermine the Constitution.”
“Stop throwing the Constitution in my face,” Bush screamed back. “It’s just a goddamned piece of paper!”
OKthatsITDec 9 2005, 06:23 PM
Dec 9, 4:18 PM EST
Supreme Court disbars GOP candidate for lieutenant governor
Associated Press Writer
TOPEKA, Kan. (AP) -- A Republican candidate for lieutenant governor who accused court officials of misconduct and other attorneys of participating in illegal baby trafficking lost his law license Friday.
basic nutcase here, i imagine. love to know his side of the story though.
OKthatsITDec 9 2005, 10:33 PM
A new way to vote for Goshen County residents
Goshen County will have a new way of voting when the next election day arrives.
New computerized machines were purchased from Diebold Election Systems of Allen, Texas, and were delivered and tested on Thursday by Goshen County Clerk Connie Addy and Wyoming Secretary of State Joseph Meyers.
OKthatsITDec 9 2005, 10:42 PM
QUOTE(OKthatsIT @ Dec 9 2005, 12:44 AM)
North Carolina
December 08, 2005
North Carolina Sued for Illegally Certifying Voting Equipment
Add link
OKthatsITDec 9 2005, 10:45 PM
QUOTE(OKthatsIT @ Dec 8 2005, 10:07 PM)
KC election board selects Diebold system
The Kansas City Star
The Kansas City Election Board has chosen Ohio-based Diebold Election Systems to provide hundreds of new touch-screen and optical scan voting machines for city voters in 2006.
add link,
OKthatsITDec 9 2005, 10:50 PM
Documents, Ammunition: Diebold stockholder suit
Friday, 9 December 2005, 4:20 pm
Press Release:
Documents, Ammunition: Diebold stockholder suit
Ywo recent stories indicate that a Diebold stockholder lawsuit is imminent. When a stock drops significantly and cannot rebound for approximately two months, a stockholder lawsuit can result.
Diebold's first "hit" was in late June this year, when the company admitted to mis-stating ATM sales revenues in a stockholder conference call. Diebold's stock dropped again in late September upon the release of a glum sales forecast based on additional problems with its ATM division.
OKthatsITDec 9 2005, 10:53 PM
Organization Seeking Plaintiffs for Potential Securities Fraud Class Action Lawsuit Against Diebold Inc.
12/8/2005 8:01:00 AM
To: National Desk
Contact: Eileen Proctor, 310-271-5857, for VelvetRevolution.us
WASHINGTON, Dec. 8 /U.S. Newswire/ -- VelvetRevolution.us, a coalition of more than 130 progressive organizations demanding electoral reform, is seeking plaintiffs for a potential class action securities litigation against Diebold, Inc. (stock symbol: DBD). The class for the suit will involve shareholders who purchased or owned stock in the Ohio-based company any time between Oct. 22, 2003 and Sept. 21, 2005. The lawsuit will involve securities fraud violations and other troubling matters by the controversial company, its CEO, and other current and former members of its Board of Directors.
VelvetRevolution is seeking additional individuals and groups who may qualify as plaintiffs in the specified class. Those who owned or purchased Diebold stock, or mutual funds which held Diebold stock during the period mentioned, are asked to contact
LawSuit@VelvetRevolution.us for possible addition to the plaintiff class.
Union groups who own or owned shares of Diebold or mutual funds which invest in the company are specifically urged to contact VR about joining the class action. For more information see
/© 2005 U.S. Newswire 202-347-2770/
OKthatsITDec 9 2005, 10:59 PM
Electronic voting to be used in June
Managing Editor
Neshoba County voters will cast ballots on more than 80 electronic voting machines when they go to the polls for the June 2006 congressional primaries.
Supervisors voted Monday to purchase 38 machines for about $3,200 each. The state will supply the county with an additional 47 machines at no cost.
OKthatsITDec 9 2005, 11:05 PM
Brookhaven County Mississippi
Supervisors this summer agreed to enter into an agreement negotiated by Secretary of State Eric Clark with Diebold Election Systems for electronic touch-screen machines. The machines can be used by people in wheelchairs and are equipped with audio instructions and headphones for blind people to vote without assistance.
Under the agreement, the federal government is paying for 95 percent and the state is paying 5 percent of the tab for each county to get one machine per 190 registered voters. The formula provides for 68 machines for Lincoln County.
OKthatsITDec 9 2005, 11:50 PM
Black Hawk County
County to lease new voting machines for $144,000 for one year
By BRANDON COUTRE, Courier Staff Writer
WATERLOO --- Touch-screen voting machines and new vote tabulators soon will be utilized in all Black Hawk County precincts, but they won't be around for long.
The machines will be leased for one year as a temporary fix to bring the county in compliance with the Help America Vote Act, which goes into effect Jan. 1.
OKthatsITDec 9 2005, 11:53 PM
QUOTE(OKthatsIT @ Dec 6 2005, 07:07 PM)
Diebold insider alleges company plagued by technical woes, Diebold defends 'sterling' record
Miriam Raftery
In an exclusive interview with RAW STORY, a whistleblower from electronic voting heavyweight Diebold Election Systems Inc. raised grave concerns about the company’s electronic voting technology and of electronic voting in general, bemoaning an electoral system the insider feels has been compromised by corporate privatization.
The Diebold insider, who took on the appellation “Dieb-Throat” in an interview with voting rights advocate Brad Friedman (BradBlog.com), was once a staunch supporter of electronic voting’s potential to produce more accurate results than punch cards.
But the company insider became disillusioned after witnessing repeated efforts by Diebold to evade meeting legal requirements or implementing appropriate security measures, putting corporate interests ahead of the interests of voters.
add link,
OKthatsITDec 9 2005, 11:55 PM
Elections & Voting Last Updated: Dec 7th, 2005 - 01:07:33
With new legislation, Ohio Republicans
plan holiday burial for American Democracy
By Bob Fitrakis & Harvey Wasserman
Online Journal Guest Writers
Dec 7, 2005, 01:04
A law that will make democracy all but moot in Ohio is about to pass the state legislature and to be signed by its Republican governor. Despite massive corruption scandals besieging the Ohio GOP, any hope that the Democratic Party could win this most crucial swing state in future presidential elections, or carry its pivotal US Senate seat in 2006, is about to end.
House Bill 3 has already passed the Ohio House of Representatives and is about to be approved by the Republican-dominated Senate, probably before the holiday recess. Republicans dominate the Ohio legislature thanks to a heavily gerrymandered crazy quilt of rigged districts, and to a moribund Ohio Democratic Party. The GOP-drafted HB3 is designed to all but obliterate any possible future Democratic revival. Opposition from the Ohio Democratic Party, where it exists at all, is diffuse and ineffectual.
OKthatsITDec 10 2005, 12:06 AM
Via computer, a vote-counting headache
States are working to iron out wrinkles before New Year's
By Brian Bergstein, Associated Press | December 4, 2005
OKthatsITDec 10 2005, 12:24 AM
New Voting Method Faulted
Group Urges State To Forgo Computers
December 9, 2005
By MARK PAZNIOKAS, Courant Staff Writer
As a Yale University professor of computer science, Michael Fischer is hardly a Luddite. Yet he is part of a coalition warning Connecticut not to trust its elections to computers.
Fischer and other members of TrueVoteCT urged the state Thursday to postpone plans to select the next generation of voting machine this month.
They called on Secretary of the State Susan Bysiewicz to reopen the selection process to consider an improved version of an old technology - paper ballots counted by optical scanners.
OKthatsITDec 12 2005, 09:40 AM
Hypocrite: Rev. Bill Bowler, 80-year-old outspoken ultra-right Republican Baptist preacher in Tucsan area.
Exposed: Arizona citizens coming to the aid of sick and injured immigrants, 'No More Deaths' program was deemed sinful and against God, by Rev. Bowler.
OKthatsITDec 12 2005, 10:11 PM
Diebold CEO O'Dell resigns
4:45 pm, December 12, 2005
Citing "personal reasons," Diebold Inc. (NYSE: DBD) CEO Walden O’Dell has resigned from the company - a move that comes just 12 weeks after Mr. O'Dell assumed what he called "direct responsibility" for the company's global operations in a management shakeup.
DEM Scandals: 3
GOP Scandals: 596 (estm)