Ford Fail/Win!


Dedicated LVC Member
Aug 30, 2009
Reaction score
Edmonton, Alberta
so my buddy and i go to a ford dealership for sh!ts and giggles. we were trying to see if we could test drive a sho or a new f150. so we talk to a salesmen feed him some bull and we end up in a brand new f150 xlt extended cab.

the salesmen said he will take us for a drive then we will switch so right out of the lot he floors it, drifts right onto the highway, smoking up those tires and what do you know, the thing dies LOL. it had NO oil in it and it wouldnt even attempt to turn over. so we walk back to the dealership and he gives us a ciggerate, and then he says sorry for that, in return i will get you baked. i dont smoke weed but my friend does so he goes and grabs keys to a 2010 f150 lariat crewcab. thing was SOO nice. we went driving for a good hour. hotboxed the thing. then my buddy takes it for a spin, the salesmen tells him to govern it out on the highway. we hit 160kph. he hops in again and starts to drift around every corner we hit. best day of my life so far. so YAY FORD!!!
sounds like that guy went to the Marc Emery School of HIGH performance driving.
That's awesome. You don't meet many salespeople like that. :cool:
welcome to the recession! sounds like a sequel to "the waiting" or "half baked"
I have done that too.... well not killed the car. Dude wanted to drive a new Turbo Beetle (just came out) and I nailed it out of the lot and blew the turbo hose off.
I told the dude its a POS anyway and if he wants power then I will show him this super clean one owner 97 Cobra we just got (was mine, just traded it in on my 99 FRC Vette). As soon as we got in the dudes papers fall out of his pockett. I smile and pull out a killer Maui doobie and we head off for a couple hour drive.
I pushed that Cobra like you wouldnt believe, had the guy crying almost! :lol:
He didnt even want to drive it. We got back and he said "How much?" we wanted $22,000 for it so I told him $25,000. He said "If you do $23,000 OTD I will throw you a pound of the killers!" :D
My boss was about to chomp my ass for going out that long and the car stinking like rubber and me stinking like weed. I showed him the check for $23,000 (I got 18k on trade in) and he shut up, he also bought all the booze at the bar latter too. :lol:

Sometimes I really miss car sales. Having $15,000 pay checks was nice. :(
Back in 05 I went to Beaman Pontiac to look at the new GTO's. I wanted to test drive one but they were pretty hesitant about it. So a salesman that owned an 04 6 speed took me around the interstate loop in his. This guy was fukn nuts, we merged onto I-40 at 100mph. the exit was about a mile away from the 440 split & he took it to 160. I had never been that fast in my life! This guy merges onto 440 doing over 100. I thought we were gonna die. We didn't get high or anything but we were flying! I bought a GTO that day with nothing but my good credit. What a bad idea.....
well sh!t, how are you going to let someone who doesnt have a drivers license test drive the car

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