I don't post often, but for some reason this type of cr@p irritates the ever living hell out of me. Between the "gangster" music and this ridiculous waste of money in ruining a perfectly good car I just feel the need to vent. And this may be a gross generalization and I apologize if this offends anyone but at least in my area, the majority of the people who do this kind of crap have spent more money in their car than their own home. They live in a run down apartment in the middle of the city. They would rather spend these exuberant amounts of money on their car for "street credit" yet know nothing about what a 401k or IRA or what retirement in general is. They'd rather show off a few hundred dollar bills and their "bling" to blow it all in a few days as I have even seen a few pictures of people laying their money out with their chains on the table on cardomain. As I mentioned I don't want to offend anyone and this may be a huge generalization or may not. I can appreciate the fact that one has their right to personal choice but that particular genre just seems particularly ignorant to me.