Found an LS in a video, check it out.

NSFW NSFW NSFW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Good video I liked it but If your at work and your boss walked bay you would be in more trouble than just watching a video.....BOOBIES!!!!
I particullarly liked the guy doing burnouts in the thunderbird with the child in the car-seat and his wife's arm hanging out the window at (2:05) ......You don't see that everyday!
The child was like "what the hell is goin on??"

mharrison said:
I particullarly liked the guy doing burnouts in the thunderbird with the child in the car-seat and his wife's arm hanging out the window at (2:05) ......You don't see that everyday!
on a similar note the movie the ice harvest that just came out or is coming out soon has an ls in it. I'm not sure if they get crazy with it but I saw in the preview they spun it out on ice.
i wish someone told me there were boobs just flashin right when it started, my mom was only 5 feet away rofl.
NYC LSv8 said:
i wish someone told me there were boobs just flashin right when it started, my mom was only 5 feet away rofl.

Ya no kidding! I'm at work when I opened up those gargantuan things. Luckily no one saw... A LIL HEADS UP NEXT TIME PLEASE!! haha
NYC LSv8 said:
i wish someone told me there were boobs just flashin right when it started, my mom was only 5 feet away rofl.

so, boobs rule, your mom will just have to learn to deal with it
admit it, you all watched the first few seconds 3 or 4 times. don't lie, admit it...:)
even i watched it a few times and that was after my boss saw I was watching it, i'll probably get fired but it was worth it, i'll watch again

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