FOX news' Hannity finally says something I agree with!!!

Shirley Phelps needs to be put in a rubber room and the key thrown away!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
WOW!!! She is a retarded psychopath!!! I hope to God she never reproduces. Cause she kept saying her family was her "cult" (i call it a cult) of Nazi's. She is a waste of air.:shifty: :rolleyes: :mad: :(
what a sick bunch of a$$holes, the God I know hates no one. I am ashamed that these freaks are from my home state. who do they think they are passing judgement on anyone? she should spend some time getting her nose and teeth fixed.:bash:
Wow...can we say religious zealot. How long before she straps explosives to herself and walks into a mall? Put a grey beard on her and she's worth $25,000,000.
JC1994 said:
what a sick bunch of a$$holes, the God I know hates no one. I am ashamed that these freaks are from my home state. who do they think they are passing judgement on anyone? she should spend some time getting her nose and teeth fixed.:bash:

The funny part, she wouldn't answer his question of "What are your sins?"...

I live in the same city as these people (even worked with one of them for a while). No one in Kansas likes the Phelps'! Hannity and Colm's point of view is pretty much how everyone here views them. "Cult" is right! The head of the "clan" here, Fred Phelps is a very accomplished lawyer and they protest all the time here in Topeka. Even have kids holding very graphic signs!! Thier cheif issue is that "Gays r goin' to hell!" according to the "Reverend" Phelps. They look for any reason to sue against anyone who complains about them. They carry video cameras with them to tape anyone who trys to confront them during their protests.

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