Freeway speed cameras coming down


Dedicated LVC Member
May 13, 2007
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Photo speed enforcement on Arizona freeways will end on July 1st. The Australia-based company that operates the system made an announcement to shareholders Thursday that the Dept. of Public Safety had notified it the contract would not be renewed for the 2011 fiscal year.
While getting flashed has resulted in expensive tickets for those motorists who chose to pay them, the entire contract has been a costly proposition for Redflex Holdings Ltd. The program operated a loss to the company of $6.7 million in fiscal 2010. Dismantling the system could result in a $5 million writedown on its assets.

Shortly after being appointed DPS director, Robert Halliday expressed misgivings about the program. His biggest concern was that only 30% of the motorists cited were actually paying the fines. He added it was difficult to portray the program as an effort to ensure safer roadways when then-Gov. Janet Napolitano included an estimated $90 million in revenue from the cameras as part of her state budget.
DPS could not make a spokesperson available to comment on the company's release.
Redflex has its U.S. headquarters in Scottsdale. In addition to DPS, its American contracts include Surprise, El Mirage and Chandler.
In an April note to investors, Redflex warned about a voter referendum that could prohibit use of photo enforcement in the state. At least three groups have taken out petitions to place an anti-traffic camera proposition on the November ballot.


Score 1 for the people 0 for the nanny state.
Yet another government revenue estimate comes up short.

Insanity - doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result.


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