

Dedicated LVC Member
Mar 14, 2008
Reaction score
Huntsville, Alabama, United States
Hows the N900 coming along? Did you get the 3800 contacts swapped over from the other phone?

When you have had time to feel it out, I would like to know your thoughts on it because I was wanting the same model and luckily they kept putting off the delivery date. I went ahead and bought an unlocked Xenon to deal with until I find what I really want. This LG is becoming hideous and annoying.
I had a Mountain Dew. I was afraid alcohol might impair my ability to read such a great review. :)

I'm going to contact Nokia directly and see if I can get one sent. Coming from them direct, it won't be branded in any way and will also come unlocked. I'll still give you another week or so to make sure it's worth it but I think it would be.
Sorry, just caught this. My son wanted some pizza rolls and then pancakes. :rolleyes: Plus I'm washing and drying clothes at the same time and was trying to get pics uploaded for Laser. I use AIM but I do have a YM name, I just never use it so I keep the program deleted off the laptop. Got it back on now but no rush. Not like I'm going to buy tonight.
AIM name? PM it if you want because I'll have to add you. I'm not out there for people 4 years ago to ask me why the hell I'm on their list. Annoys the hell out of me.
Amazingly, I seem to have you on my AIM list.

Screen shot 2009-12-18 at 8.53.35 AN.jpg
How could I possibly block a name that I don't know lol. Anyway, you found me after I opened up for everyone to see. Now I'm back in hiding again or someone that had me on a buddy list from years ago would ask me why I'm on there.

See how he picks at me....:rolleyes:
AIM list ... hmmmm .... Frogman ..... hmmmmm .... you are on his AIM list ... hmmmm

Tell me but does this seem scary to you? ....

Just in case I posted the definition for aim ... Note the bold pint!!!! and you want to be on Frogman's AIM list...

Main Entry: 1aim
Pronunciation: \ˈām\
Function: verb
Etymology: Middle English, from Anglo-French aesmer & esmer; Anglo-French aesmer, from a- (from Latin ad-) + esmer to estimate, from Latin aestimare
Date: 14th century
intransitive verb
1 : to direct a course; specifically : to point a weapon at an object
2 : aspire, intend <aims to reform the government>

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