MonsterMark said:
Don't worry Joey. The Supreme Court is gonna veer HARD RIGHT with the Reinquist replacement in the next year. Then we'll see who is laughing.
I hope Roe v Wade gets over-turned. Not because I am in favor of that but more for the pure piss-off value it would have. Sometimes you have to fight fire with fire, and if you guys want a war, we'll bring it baby. Count on that!
You just said, in essence, that it has nothing to do with what it best for the country, or what the proper intrepretation of the constitution is, but all about us vs them. Maybe this is part of why GW hasnt had better then a 50% job approval rating in 18 months
I dont know much about Judge Roberts yet, so im reserving my personal opinion. I do know some very powerful groups are lining up against him already, and there are 15 republican senators that face re-election next year. Dont think that they wont be attacked directly but these groups and possibly lose their seats. Dont think the Republican Senators wont consider this when deciding upon his nomination.
But I will point out this.. Many Supreme Court nominees were suppose to be this or that, and end up the opposite.
We shouldnt politicize the High Court nominees like this. We shouldnt be
looking for a conservative or a liberal to fill such vacancies. There is too much at stake. Civil rights, womens rights, gay rights, free speech and all the other important things dealt with by the court are too important. The supreme court is the ultimate guardian of FREEDOM and the Constitution. Dont turn it into another "us vs them" tool.
I can tell you that I will do all I can to make Rep Henry Hyde's seat a Democratic Seat after his retirement in 2006.