Front End Grinding Noise


Active LVC Member
Nov 3, 2005
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Long Island
About 2 months ago I had grinding noise coming from the left and right side of my front end every time it would go up and down like when I stopped and accelerated again or hit bumps. The noise would be gone one day and come back the next day. My mechanic said he couldn’t find anything (don’t trust him too much) but anyway he sprayed the suspension with lubricant and I had no more noise. Now since about 2 days ago the right side won’t stop grinding and now it’s every time I turn the wheel to the right as well as when the front end goes up and down. I think it’s the bushings because of some posts on here but I can’t find too much info. What do u guys think? And if it is the bushings how much am I looking at? Thanx
The up/down noise could be the sway bar bushings, but they wouldnt make a sound when you turn. That would be a balljont or tie rod end. How fast are you going when the noise happens while turning?
I had this happen and I can actually pin it on all of those up there. I noticed it would sound worse when going slow over bumps but just fast enough as well. I know it dont make sense but I swear.
Its almost like if you go to fast it kinda clunks but if your are rolling up to a stop and hit a bump it grinds and clunks hard!
I can go at any speed and hear it. and I can be in park,trun the wheel to the right slowly and hear the noise. I'm bringing it to a new mechanic next week I just would like to know what to tell him I think it is. so he can look in the right place.
I hear that but sometimes telling them dont even matter, it has to be duplicated wich seems to not be a problem for you. Good luck!
let me update everyone on the niose problem. well i went to the mechanic and he said it wasnt my bushings and that i should get the ball joint looked at and ONLY FORD had the ball joint (no aftermarkets). anyway took it to the stealership and about a day later get a call. both my ball joints were completely shot and my tie rod was bad. basically i was an accident waiting to happen. so 6 days and $1,000 later (they said 3 days but the "part didnt come in") no noise and car runs perfect. so just wanted to let you guys know just in case you have a similar problem.
Bringing this one back.

Same symptoms. Way back from lunch pulling out of the parking lot heard a grinding noise, thought it was the road. Got back to work tried to duplicate said grinding. Locked wheel, turning right, I was able to duplicate it. Stock wheels and stock tire size. No aftermarket parts on the front end. It feels like a ball joint, no other sounds while cruising at highway speeds or around town. Just this grind when the wheel's locked out and I assume the sound of my sway bar bushings being dry rotted.

I'm heading home, about 4.5 hrs on the highway. Should I be worried? Also, the last time I checked Ford wants to replace the entire steering knuckle when doing the lower ball joint, I'm not doing that at around $400 a pop. Will the Moog ball joint press into the stock steering knuckle.

Still loving this phrase. If it's not one thing it's another if you ask me.

If you think your LS is broken. It probably is.

If you don't think your LS is broken. It probably is anyway.

Thanks gang.
Writing here rather than starting new thread.

I get a loud pop usually when back up or forward at slow speeds (10mph or less) and at a quarter or half turn. I jacked up the car and no wheel movement I can tell. All dust boots are good and I replaced nearly everything (upper arm, lower ball joints, tie rod ends, sway links, sway bar) in the last 5 years. Only out on about 25k in that time.

Any way to isolate the issue, or could a ball joint pressed in at home vs shop be an issue? I had to replace the first Moog lower I put in.

Only remaining thing I could think of is the steering link, but I thought you could feel that in the wheel and was more grinding than a loud pop / clunk.

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