Front end wheel alignment


LVC Member
Dec 26, 2004
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Just curious about this. When driving on a flat level highway, I sometimes catch myself holding the steering wheel slightly to the left, as it feels like the position to hold it in while driving. The other day on the same flat level hwy, I straightened the steering wheel, aligning the Lincoln symbol on my steering wheel and the vehicle steers slightly to the right. Is this a cause for concern. Should I have a FLM dealer inspect the alignment. By the way, I checked the air pressure in each tire, and they are equal on both sides. I am just curious about this, as I'm not sure if just "anyone" besides FLM should inspect this and align it, should it need to be. Thanks in advance.


2003 LS V8 Sport
No Mods - Yet :steering
That can also be caused by the crown in the road. From what you described, it sounds normal to me. Check your tires for uneven wear - they're worn funny, definately get it aligned.
well if you go to get the allighment from what iv hear lincolns need a 4 wheel aliment is that true
bigdog1279 said:
well if you go to get the allighment from what iv hear lincolns need a 4 wheel aliment is that true
You can get a 4 wheel alignment on the LS but you can not adjust camber on the rear. There isn't an adjustment for that.
All vehicles will try and drift to the right on what you think is a level highway. It is in fact not level. There is crown built in to allow water run off. Most alignment shops build in a slight correction for this...and I believe even the factory specs allow for this.

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