Front lower strut bolt



Give me your front lower strut to control arm bolt horror/success stories or helpful hints.
I live here in the rust zone (Massachusetts). I am soon going to change my struts, and that is the only part of the job that I am dreading.
A torch, PB blaster a C-clamp (need to fashion a cup over the bolt head, for some pressure while torching.) My '97 is a desert car and it did require some patience and a large Hammer. Once I remebered the torch, it cut alot of work out of it. Do becareful of over-heating the bolt, there is a rubber bushing around it. Oh yeah, the PB is quite flammable too.
just changed my front struts and compressor and added the spider extreme... i would have to say on the struts... i used pb blaster and a rubber mallot... until i realized that one of the holes on the strut was smaller than the other.... i assumed it was so you would install the bolt only one way... i just unthreaded it and i came right off!!! ofcourse after about 30-45 minutes of pounding on the thing and scratching my head... other than that, it was a pretty simple... except getting those airlines into the dryer... but i did finally get it.... success....
Question about #2. If my bolt is rusted stuck in the sleeve, and I turn it by the bolt head, will that ruin the bushing?
my95mark8 said:
Question about #2. If my bolt is rusted stuck in the sleeve, and I turn it by the bolt head, will that ruin the bushing?

Nah. I wouldn't worry so much about the sleeve turning, because it'll still be tight around it. If it gets too hot from a torch, the rubber can melt and you would have allot of slop in that bushing. Slop=noise.
Thanks again!
Hopefully, I can get a few more weeks out of these leaky is coming and I have no money:(
Mine were easy. The sway bar end links on the other hand.....
Interesting, my gen II bolt heads were crimped and a socket would fit over them. Looked like the were rounded off, but on purpose. I couldn't do mine like a regular bolt and use a wrench. One more reason to gen I, huh?
Hey Eddie, got those bolts in today..... had to install without em... improvised, just tapped the aluminum block and installed... you didnt have to worry about sending the bolts after all!!! thanks anyways
Yeah, but I hear that the gen II had better struts.
It looks like part of them is plastic which probably helps them last longer instead of the airbag rubbing against rusty metal, like mine does.
Mine has gotten much worse in the past week ever since replacing the upper control arm. I guess the airbag couldn't take it.
I used an air chisel with the punch end and used a reversed nut to protect the thread. Made sure that I liberally coated with PB Blaster, and hammered away with the air chisel. Took about 40 seconds to get the bolt out. Hope this helps.
Thanks...I will try that too. Hopefully soon I will get my new struts.

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