front seats

I'm totally guessing..I'm going off the one I carried about 1/4 mile...their :q:q:q:qin heavy
My gen 1 driver's seat weighed in at 57.5 lbs. The passenger seat a hair less.
the 2 front Gen 1 seats i recieved a couple of weeks ago, weighed 50 lbs.
That is both cushions (seat and backs) w/leather, and headrests. No frames or motors or trim.
Meh, was prolly as tired as he would be after he beat the crap out of you. :p
Meh, was prolly as tired as he would be after he beat the crap out of you. :p

A bit protective of sapper? Laser do you have a gay crush. You just fantasize about him fighting people....whatever floats your boat champ. So now we've gone from bench racing to bench fighting? FAIL! :rolleyes:
A bit protective of sapper? Laser do you have a gay crush. You just fantasize about him fighting people....whatever floats your boat champ. So now we've gone from bench racing to bench fighting? FAIL! :rolleyes:
I only have a crush on you sparky.
Ripped, i doubt you could handle half the work I do on a weekly basis, so yeah toting things across a 1/4 mile long junk yard isn't top of my last on saturdays...I've done my time humping heavy :q:q:q:q all over the place...

I'm willing to bet you've never really done a hard days work anyway
Ripped, i doubt you could handle half the work I do on a weekly basis, so yeah toting things across a 1/4 mile long junk yard isn't top of my list on saturdays...I've done my time humping heavy :q:q:q:q all over the place...

I'm willing to bet you've never really done a hard days work anyway
Ripped, i doubt you could handle half the work I do on a weekly basis, so yeah toting things across a 1/4 mile long junk yard isn't top of my list on saturdays...I've done my time humping heavy :q:q:q:q all over the place...

I'm willing to bet you've never really done a hard days work anyway

Gotta love how people can dish it out, but they sure can't take it. You guys constantly give me :q:q:q:q but when anyone rips on you that's not acceptable? Seems quite hypocritical to me.

I used to work in construction as a laborer at the NIH (national institute of health in DC). My work consisted of carrying two buckets of mud at a time (each weighing 75lbs) up multiple floors, carrying drywall sheets across floors that were about 5 football fields long, throwing concrete blocks into the dumpster from a low level. But yeah I never had a hard day of work in my life. In fact my hard work got me noticed and hired on at that same sight a few months later as a finish carpenter at a $12 an hour pay bump to $27hr.

When I used to do custom cabinetry I would carry three 95 1/4" X 14" X 3/4" sheets of wood at a time up multiple stairs and trying to maneuver them in the halls in residential homes without touching the walls or the floors (because touching them with precise cut sheets equates to knicked walls and wood flooring). But yeah that wasn't hard or heavy work.

I love blanket assumptions that because I'm a student and going for a law degree I'm just some yuppie that's never worked a day in his life. Sorry champ I've been a hard worker my whole life and a perfectionist to boot. I don't stop till I perfect something (hence why I still haven't given up on my car). Don't assume you know someone based on their internet persona.

How about this, if you can't take it, don't dish it out. You constantly are flaming me or ragging on me so I think you were due to get teased back a little...:q:q:q:q with all the teasing you've doled out I think I should be privy to a good month worth of ragging on you to be fair :p

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