FS: built pumpkin and driveshaft


Dedicated LVC Member
Mar 20, 2004
Reaction score
Ontario, Canada
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Complete Aluminum 8.8" IRS pumpkin with FRPP 4.30 gears and Atomic Performance Control Freak Girdle/cover.
Built with all new parts, bearings, seals...

Denny's 1330 series 4" 6061-T6 Aluminum Driveshaft with Spicer slip yoke.

~900 miles (1500 kms) on it and the driveshaft.

I'm asking $1000 CDN OBO for both plus shipping, or $400 for DS, $600 for pumpkin, but really want to keep them together if possible.
I'm putting my '94 Mark VIII mostly back to stock to make for a better DD (well 3.27 Traction Lock from a T-bird)...



I've made the car my DD, and I don't think 4.30 gears will be much fun in the winter (well, not the kind of fun I'm looking for at least ;) )
so, swap em back in at springtime. That's what I would do if I really wanted to go back to stock gears for the winter. That's just me though.
I wouldn't hesitate driving with the gears and tlock... I drove Ford Nut's car around with 4.10's in deep snow... drove great!
I've alread put the T-Bird unit in. I was thinking the same thing that it wouldn't be too bad, especially with the pure winter tires I picked up, but I'm not interested in 'playing' with the car anymore. It'll be better on gas still and easier to drive now (plus I've already switched 'em out!).... I've had my fun with it, and what I really want to do I can't afford (SC)... ;)
Just looking to sell this stuff now, 'tis a good deal for someone...
xe.com shows today's conversion as 600USD=630.40CAD
Sorry, I was going on the price for both the pumpkin and driveshaft.
It would be ~$572 US for the pumpkin.
Ok Kid fork out the cash you know you want that pumpkin.

The 4.10s go great in the snow, but the one two shift at WOT on a wet road can be a handfull :eek:
i wish i had the money for that pumpkin for my 95 dam that would be sweet!! my wife would have it wrapped around a pole like christmas wrapping!!
The gears aren't to bad even for a DD imho, and I'd have left it if it weren't for the crap weather we get here in the winter (mainly the amount of ice we get.) It's still going to be a handful with the 3.27's and the winter tires, but hopefully it will be a bit saner and the gas mileage saving will help to as a DD...
I know, poor excuses, lol... I'm getting older (?) and more boring, plus we've already switched it all, lol...
Kirk I have a 4.30 pumkin under my bed... now why pete isn't buying this is a mystery... then he can give me the control freak cover as a gift for swapping it into his LS :)
heh :) These would definitely make up for any turbo lag, but you'd be looking at slicks for sure ;) lol...

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