Fuel Gauge stuck at "F"



I refueled my 1992 Lincoln Cont. the other night. When I started the car the entire display panel was black. I got mad and hit the dashboard and, guess what, the display came back on! However, the fuel gauge showed "CO." Later it went to "F" and has stayed there the last 3 days now. Once or twice it has gone to "17" (gallons before empty) but then goes back to displaying "F."

My speed control (speedometer) and cruise control works fine, in case you are wondering.

Anyone know what is going on and what I need to do to fix this problem? You can email me at pschultz@afcinc.org

I'm tempted to whack the gas tank with a rubber mallet to see if the gas gauge in the tank is stuck in full position. Is this a viable option?
could be a viable option.. CO means Circuit Open... meaning sender problem, or wiring problem. if your sender is just stuck, a whack my fix it, otherwise I would first suspect the connections on the top of the tank, then the connections to the back of the cluster.

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