Fuel injection manifold leak


New LVC Member
Jun 3, 2007
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san diego
The car is 1998 COntiniental with a 4.6L transverse engine. While replacing the water pump I nicked the rubber (reinforced ????) hose on the fuel injection manifold. Can this hose be replaced or do I have to replace the entire manifold? The manifold has been discontinued and my local Lincoln dealer said a parts distributor in Beaverton, Wisconsin has one. The part number for the manifold is F80E-9F792-AL. I appreciate any help anyone can offer.

Thanks for the quick response. I didn't want to start cutting into the fuel line until I knew what I was dealing with. This article is just what I was looking for. It's my wife's car and she hates having to drive my son's Isuzu Rodeo.
Thanks again.
Hey Kustom...is that a kit just for the manifold?? or can it be used on any part of the fuel lines?? What kind of $$ are we looking at?? That looks like something we could use at the dealership here. It looks similar to the way we used to fix the fuel line when FI first appeared...till some incompetant did it wrong and it came apart.....needless to say ford does not condone repairs are to be done anymore.
Wish I knew more about it Max... I've just saved that link as a future reference kind of thing so that if and when I needed to fix my car I would know how....

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