Fuel issues? Snapping, popping when cold


New LVC Member
Feb 12, 2023
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Ontario Canada
Hey everyone. My situation is not as common as some but I'll fill you in. I have a 95 Mark viii motor and trans in my 1967 f100. I used the factory computer and wiring. I'm using a walbro gss342 (I believe). 255lph pump with a fuel cell. Truck ran great. I notice though that if the truck is cold, towards fall, it will spit and snap and sound harsh at first. A couple minutes down the road and it seems to clear up. I have had issues under hard acceleration where it will stumble. It has all new 02's. Maf sensor cleaned, new temp senders etc. I tested fuel pressure yesterday and it was 32 at idle and 41 with the regulator unplugged. Can anyone steer me in the right direction? Thanks!

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