Fuel Problem i think..


Well-Known LVC Member
Apr 11, 2006
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hey guys, im new here just bought a 02 Baby blue LS V8, anyways after i put a full tank of gas in the car it tells me on the computer that i only have about 190 miles to go till empty, i think it should be closer to 300 right?? anyways and another question i have is after the low fuel comes on it tells me i have 50 miles to go, but my car seems to feel very weak and i need to add more gass or it runs rough... btw i use 92 or 93 octane only ;)

One more question= im limited to 120 mph top speed, is there a easy way to dissable that because i cant compete with my friends bmw's on the highway.. i get them by 4+ cars by 120 but then they just go by :shifty:
for your questions # 1 you probably have a problem with the fuel pump that shoots the gas from one side of the tank to the other
your car should be electronically limited to 133mph.

the SCT XCalibrator can remove this - but - make sure you are on tires that are rated for more.

do a search on 'SCT flasher' to read the 1000 threads on it.

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