Fuel system...


Active LVC Member
Mar 2, 2005
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I just looked on the lincoln motorsports websites and I've decided on upgrading my fuelpump... I'm also considering the fuel presure regulartor... it said in the site that it is adjustable... how do you know where to set it at... i know alot about autobody and suspention... but hardly know anything about the engine... can anyone help?
Were doing a fuel system group buy in a couple of days so I would suggest waiting for that, the prices are going to being insane.

You set the fp at the standard 40psi in normal air, when its cooler and less to no humidity then bump it to 50psi.
Thanks... I'm looking forward to ordering my new parts...
by the way... how difficult is it to change out the fuel pump with the old one and add the fuel pressure regulator
Santo said:
by the way... how difficult is it to change out the fuel pump with the old one and add the fuel pressure regulator

The fuel regulator is easy, just a couple of screws on the fuel rail (just make sure to get rid of the pressure before removing it) The fuel pump can be a pain unless you have an extra set of hands to help you out. Its real simple and straight forward but can be a pain the first time around
Were doing a fuel system group buy in a couple of days

system? Will it be individual parts as well, I need me some injectors!!! I can't wait Geno, I need them now! :Beer
What makes the fuel pump so difficult?
so the tank has to be dropped... anything else besides that?
Santo said:
so the tank has to be dropped... anything else besides that?

no, its real simple, just a pain IMO, I think you have to losen the exhaust too to get it down but I don't quite remember why cause I did mine about a year ago. All I remember is the tank came crashing down on me cause I didn't empty it enough, that's why I said its useful to have a helping hand.
Oh, ok... we have a hobbie shot on base and I'm sure I can as one of my buddies to help me out... as far as the presure regulator... is that a unit that replaces the stock one? is it an easy replacement?
Santo said:
Oh, ok... we have a hobbie shot on base and I'm sure I can as one of my buddies to help me out... as far as the presure regulator... is that a unit that replaces the stock one? is it an easy replacement?

yeah, direct replacement, real simple.....make sure you don't over torque the screws (even by hand) they strip the threads easy on the fuel rail. Its only 2 or three screws that removes it and the it just comes off.

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