Gauge Question


Well-Known LVC Member
Mar 3, 2005
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I have a question. I asked a while ago but I got no answers. I am sure a lot of you were from the old message boards. I havn't been on them in a long time, however I knew there was a huge group buy, (like the lms wing here) for indiglo gauge clusters. I have not heard or seen anybody installing these however like 20 or more people ordered them. I always wanted to see how they looked in our cars, yet I found it strange there have been no posts on them. Can someone please help me if you know what I am talking about.
I take it you did not do a search did you? If you did you would have seen that I not only posted what they looked like when I got them, but also posted what they look like at night.......
I actually did do a search and I saw yours.. however and not to offend you but those pics really don't do too much as far as how they look INSIDE a mark, since you only show the gauges and not any part of the dash or how they look installed in the day. Your posts are the only I have seen, and yoru only 1 person... what happened to the other 19 or so ppl who bought them? and why havn't you taking better pictures?

I just find it strange that it took like a year to get 20 ppl to sign up for it and when the # gets met, 1 person posts pictures but yet the pictures arn't that great. Am I wrong? are there more posts that I just didn't see?
Bad pix???? Those pix are perfect, just not EXACTLY what you wanted to see. The pix at night are actually taken with the gauge cluster in the car, but obviously at night.

No, I did not take a pic of them installed in the daytime. I was more concerned with what they looked like in the daytime. I can, if you like, take a pic of what they look like in the day. Do you want them with the indiglo on, off, or both? I can do that.

Also, it took OVER 2 years for me to finally get the necessary amount of ppl to purchase them. According to Cubster he does not like them. For what ever reason (he posted that somewhere, I responded, but he never replied...who knows).....bad pix......PAHLEASE!!!!!:p
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Ok, I went out and took a couple of pix of what they look like in the car in the day. If you want or need more pix please lemme know.



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