Gauge shows Overheating, but car really isnt


New LVC Member
May 17, 2006
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Ft. Lauderdale
About a few times a week the temp gauge starts to rise and overheat light comes on. Then car goes into reduce power mode. However, i check the engine and it is cold and the fan is working. It usually does this a few minute after i start driving and when i trun the A/C on full blast. What should i do?
I had the same exact problem. Easy fix.....get the coolant flushed. It'll cost you around $70 at one of those quick oil change places and you don't even have to get out of the car. I did this and haven't had the problem ever since. My symptoms were the same exact ones as yours'.
P Rock may be right, it may be the coolant. Just a side note: the cooling system can be a little tricky to flush and fill. There have been reports of overheating, etc., when it is not done properly (air in the system, etc.) I'd have the dealer do this service.
And keep in mind that your car MIGHT be actually overheating. There is a coolant temperature sensor and also a cylinder head temperate sensor in these cars. Not sure which one drives the temp gauge but one of the 2 is registering an overheat condition. Something IS overheating....
PikeMike87 said:
About a few times a week the temp gauge starts to rise and overheat light comes on. Then car goes into reduce power mode. However, i check the engine and it is cold and the fan is working. It usually does this a few minute after i start driving and when i trun the A/C on full blast. What should i do?
Alright.......not to blast on you or anything, but you really need to check through some previous threads regarding this issue. My car was overheating last year and I took it to the FLM store while it was under warranty and they replaced the t-stat. That didn't fix the problem. Also, when they flushed and refilled the system.......that didn't fix the problem. My problem ended up being by cooling fan pump was not working. I have also heard of people having problems with their coolant resovoir cap not holding pressure. It could be any number of things.
When does your car overheat........stop & go traffic or on the open road? If your car overheats in stop & go, it would more than likely be an airflow issue (fan not spinning fast enough to cool down the coolant).
And for the other people.....and not to sound to annoyed, but we really need to stop telling him what his problem is without understanding the whole story. I agree with beaups........something is more than likely overheating.

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