Gauges installed on A Pillar


Active LVC Member
Apr 25, 2004
Reaction score
Fishers, IN
Here are some pics of the three gauges I installed in my Mark. They are Auto Meter Z series voltmeter, oil pressure, and tranny temp. I chose these gauges because they're a pretty close match to the stock instrument panel. To make the match even closer, I took out the instrument cluster and painted the tops of the needles with florescent orange paint to match the Auto Meter gauge needles. The pods are a two place and a single place Auto Meter pod for '94 T Bird; it's a pretty good fit on our pillar.
The blue thing under the car is the tranny temp sensor manifold; I bought the one from Auto Meter, but I've seen other posts where members have made their own. I sectioned it into the HOT transmission line which goes to the top of the radiator. The large brass thing is the oil pressure gauge sensor; I plumbed it and the stock oil pressure light switch unit in series with brass fittings. Sorry I couldn't get better pictures of that set-up.

gauge pod close lvc.jpg

gauge pod and dash lvc.jpg

gauge sending units2 lve.jpg

gauge grouplvc.jpg
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Frogman said:
Wow... With all due respect, that gauge pod install looks... tacky...

Frogman and Fossten,

Tacky. Well I suppose it does, but then it IS tacked on to the A pillar. You know, one of the great things about this owners site and the other ones too is that the members help each other. Your criticism is fine; that's your opinion. And looking at the photo with a critical eye I can see your point. BUT what suggestion(s) do you have to make it look better?? That's what I'd really like to hear. :Bang

Frogman-Your Gen II gauge pod group buy effort is good work, especially your willingness to pay for the remaining number to reach your manufacturers' minimium order.
My Mark is Gen I. I looked for a 3 gauge pod when I started this project but could not find one. No one has chimed in yet if the pod you're getting will fit Gen I. If is does, I'll consider getting one to replace what I've got now. Any other ideas to improve what I've already done would be appreciated too.
gauge pod reinstall..

I took out the double pod/single pod duo and replaced it with a triple pod. You guys were right; the original installation did look tacky. This is much better; it's the triple pod for Mustang GT. I painted it using the brown base for camafloge (sp?) paint; it's a pretty close match to the dark brown color of the dash.
That looks awesome I didnt like the first one either but that flows right with the stock pillar! great job on it! where did you get the triple pod pillar from?
pillar pod

I am SURE that I have seen that car on I-69 a few months ago.
I was wondering who had a white Mark in Indy with a pillar pod!
I'm thinking about getting a pod for my '94, but I haven't found any gauges that quite match the color scheme. I want to match the black with the green needles.


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