Gen 1 Cold Air


LVC Member
May 30, 2014
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I've seen some pics of users gen 1 cold air intake systems. I can't find it anywhere online though. And I'm talking about true cold air. Not just the tube and filter. Looking for the box that seals when you close the hood. That's a cold air intake.




~ Replace the sh!tty blue coupler with a Vibrant hump coupler.






Seen your setup before. Got a link to where I can buy it? I like that it doesn't require a coupling at the 90 degree bend like a lot of the ones on ebay.
The seller is ASMI on ebay. You may have to email him because he doesn't always list them but he has them. The heatshields are on hold till my life calms down. Sorry.


When your parts do come in, take the time to disconnect both leads from the battery terminals prior to installing the intake, when done reattached to battery, this will prompt/assist the PCM in resetting/relearning it's new air/fuel mixture settings immediately on startup.

It would relearn it anyhow but it's good practice anytime a sensor is involved.

EDIT - - - during your intake install, that would be the best time to gently clean spray the MAF sensor.

Little extra info on the subject of intake and coupler.

Swapped out that BS ASMI intake excuse for a coupler with a Vibrant Product hump coupler.





... I've always had troubles with the MAF housing not clamping down fully on the ASMI intake tube, the diameter of the housing is pretty close to the same size as the intake and it's hard plastic so it doesn't allow for any clamping force to sit tight. I've had tape wrapped around the tube in hopes of getting better clamping force with the MAF housing but the tape just gets warm and moves around.

So ... as I have the whole thing apart this weekend for cleaning of the K&N filter and redoing of the HITE heatshield, I opted to put a cut straight down the middle on both sides of the MAF housing, thereby giving it a gap and allowing it to close tighter when locked down.

The idea seems to work perfectly.





K&N filter is still in the lab awaiting oiling this evening ... in the lab, hahaha!

Just finished mine. I guess I could have cleaned some of the dust off hahaha. But hell, that's living in Shi**y AZ.

And what a difference. Runs better (no surge). Quicker throttle response. And sounds good too.

Thanks Big for the update on the MAF sensor fitting to the tube. I was wondering about. Good idea.
Yeah, it puzzled me for a bit, I tried different clamps, tape around the tube, which only got hot and moved around. Until one day I said enough of this thing not sitting tight. Took it apart and figured it needed a line cut down the center on both sides to allow it to close tighter onto the tube.

Upgraded the clasp from the flimsy worm clamp to something like this;


Possibly overkill but no movement on Tube to MAF housing since.

---- EDIT: looks good BTW, yup much better performance and sound.

- you can paint up the white hose on the return, with some black high heat paint.

- when member Hite gets back on track, get him to make/ship you one of his heat shields for sure!

So I really want this intake... ill probably pick this one up. I noticed there are cheaper onws on ebay also but they arent one solid piece but instead are 2 pieces with elbows. Anybody tried both to see the difference? Im sure the one piece is much better and usually you get what you pay for but im just curious if anybody has used the cheaper one

@jsaleen: When you do order your custom heatshield from Hite Performance,
make sure he throws in a "Hite Performance" sticker, he still owes me one! :shifty:

@_jace: the two piece intake you are talking about, has been tried by folks on here and they've had nothing bad to say about it, I'm sure it would work as well, the one piece is more attractive though.​
Hell yeah on the heat shield. They look really nice from looking at the picture above provided by bigrig.
look up 2002Asmi filter for thunderbird v-8. It is under store listings Asmi Auto Speed Store $299. Looks sweet,the polished tube really sets it off.

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