Gen 1 hdlts


Dedicated LVC Member
Jul 6, 2005
Reaction score
East Hartford
I've waited some time to get a set of LSC hdlts for my 95, and finally got a pair. Rt side orginal (never opened) Lft side has been re-glued with what looks like 3 different glues. Got them cooking in the oven, took awhile, rt side came apart nicely (pic 1) Left side had to cook longer but started to come un-glued. I had to use leather glove and thick towel it got so hot. Coming apart slowly then POW! Looks like there was too much glue under the front part of the housing. I was going to send the buckets to get a real chrome plating since the lenses buffed up real good. No sense sending one. It took a long time to get a pair of these lights and now I have to hunt down only one. Could be worse. LSC LTS OPEN.jpgLSC LTS BKN.jpg


This was around 2-3 years ago but I ran into an LSC in the junkyard. The passenger side headlight was good but the driver side was done for. I still kick myself for not grabbing it. Back then I didn't get it because it was only one side but considering how rare they are, it would have probably paid for itself and helped someone like you. Funny how I have seen more Gen I LSC in the junkyard than I have on the road. Seen a total of 4 now. 2 had been converted to halogen housing and the last ones headlights were gone by the time I got there.
There's gotta be someone around with a spare driver side

My other driver side was destroyed by bacon
Still have this in my closet
All I can do is hope one shows up. Not sure which way things are going to happen. Dr's wacked me in the head with a big stick the other day and changed my priorities It's bad when you need more fixin than your cars.

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