Gen 1 parts needed ASAP


Rollin' Twankies
May 3, 2004
Reaction score
Peoria, L-inoise
Contact seller
With Carlisle quickly approaching I need some parts like now,otherwise the convertible will not be done in time.

I need:

Black Sun Visors (pending)
Near Perfect Grille
Black Console Lid
right front marker lamp

I also need drivers side seat trim panel in gray for my CE.

Im sure there is stuff im forgetting. Ill add more later.

I dont have a ton of money so any help is appreciated, and will not be forgotten. Carlisle is coming and I need to get the car done ASAP!!!!

Donations excepted.

I also need drivers side seat trim panel in gray for my CE.
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With Carlisle quickly approaching I need some parts like now,otherwise the convertible will not be done in time.

I need:

Black Sun Visors
Near Perfect Grille
Drivers door handle (maybe)
Black Console
Center rear tail light assy
right front marker lamp

Im sure there is stuff im forgetting. Ill add more later.

I dont have a ton of money so any help is appreciated, and will not be forgotten.

Donations accepted.

I also need drivers side seat trim panel in gray for my CE.

i fix for you :D
I've got a 96 parts car sitting in my garage that still has the center tail light section in it,i'ts missing the lincoln emblem though.I should also have the right marker light you need.I'm about 45 minutes north of you if you want to come up and get them,we'll have to take the taillight section off though.the interior is tan so I can't help you there.I'll be around this sat. afternoon and all day sunday,just let me know.
Chris --

I was going to make you the same offer that Billy made. I'm starting the process of parting out my white 93. I've got the center section, right corner light and a marginal grill.

If it doesn't work out with Billy, let me know. I'm about an hour south of you.


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