Gen 2 brake quistion?


Active LVC Member
May 24, 2005
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Oklahoma City
I had taken the brake-line off the back of my brake cliper and now it won't seal back up completely. There is a thin little brass wisher that is used to seal it up but it must of been damaged in some way. Anyone had this problem before? Where could a person go to get a replacement?

My local ford store is worthless and is saying that it must be part of the brake line assembly for $184.00 and the auto parts stores can't help me with a replacement.
$184 for a banjo bolt washer? $10 at Napa- if that. Ask for a "banjo bolt washer".
you need a "copper" gasket that is about $5 for a multi pack in the help section at your FLAPS.
If there is a Harbor Frieght nearby, you can get a large quantity of sizes for $5 too, as they are on sale as of last week.

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