^^ what he said. I guess Dennis spoke with ford and sylvania, Sylvania said "call ford", and ford says they "might" be available around december.
Dennis is trying to get a company to build us some HID bulbs off a couple factory bulbs that he sent in, price may be around $400 for this "kit" but may be cheaper. I don't know all the details, but if anyone here works with DOT it would be nice to see our options.....
The '98 Mark VIII isn't even ten years old. There is no replacement bulbs for our cars '95 -'98 ANYWHERE. Isn't there some type of law against that? Because there SHOULD be.. I'd say if I was ford I would have started reproducing these this time last year, or at least made a newer hid like in the Zepher have a bulb that is interchangeable between us. It's b.s. no matter how you look at it, if your bulb burns out, you're just out.