Gen 2 V8 RH Exhaust Manifold replacement


New LVC Member
Jul 18, 2020
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Michigan & Tennessee
Hello All!

I have finally acquired my childhood dream of getting a Lincoln LS! The car has some history as it was given to me if anyone wants to know the backstory...It’s a 2003 Lincoln LS V8 Sport, has the Gen 2 V8 and is needing a RH Exhaust manifold gasket or manifold or both. I’ve been searching these forums and only found a thread for what looks to be done on a Gen 1 V8.

I’d like to start with some conditions, the bolts won’t be rusted and won’t break hahaha I know I know, the car is in Michigan and would like to keep the engine in the car first.

I have read through the Ford workshop manual and it looks like the person who wrote the manual has never touched a tool in his/her/their life. I’m asking whoever has done this job with the engine still in and how accurate the workshop manual was to replacement of the RH exhaust manifold gasket. Along with some helpful tips and photos.

The car also has 113K and had the transmission replaced at around 56K...

I appreciate it!
I assure you that the people who wrote the shop manuals... have had tools in their hands.

I had a close friend, (since high school... decades ago), that worked at the GM proving grounds in Lansing Michigan area. He was a fully ASE certified mechanic before that.

His job was to figure out the best way to R&R parts and to document the proceedures and list the steps.

This was not only for the service manuals for the GM technicians... it was also to determine the amount of time required for a job... when the technicians did warranty work.

Tools would be documented and laid out on the workbench.... and the stopwatch started when the first bolt was turned.... and stopped when the last bolt would be reinstalled.

There's more to it than that... but that's the simplified explanation. Keep in mind this was on brand new vehicles... that never saw public roads.
Keep in mind too... that the LS manuals aren't made by Chiltons or Haynes... or "car repair for dummies"

The dealer technicians constantly received updated training... so the factory service manuals are/were for dealer technicians that knew the vehicle... and how to work on it.

So if the manual says you will have to pull the engine to replace the exhaust manifold... then that is the dealer procedure... becsuse they had the tools to do it.

You MAY be able to pull the manifold from the bottom... but it's most likely going to take considerably more time.

Plus... it is very probable that the car was built with the intention of not having to replace an exhaust manifold... within the use life of the vehicle.
Most likely... the reason the car was given to you... is because the previous owner didn't want to pay the $$$ to have the manifold replaced... and didn't want to tackle it themselves.
Thanks for the quick reply! I didn’t mean to disrespect or insult by any means, nonetheless, I have to factory service manual and reading to practice, there is virtually no room, maybe if I had ant man to shrink down to assist, but looking for someone who has done it on the Gen 2 on the passenger side with some details and helpful tips. I’ve already replaced the intake manifold gaskets, Cylinder head temp sensor, coolant hoses, etc. This one though looks to be a job.....

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