Gen Colin Powell on Meet the Press today


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Mar 2, 2004
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Chicago, IL
A few selected quotes from Gen Colin Powell on Meet the Press today

GEN. POWELL: I think it is acknowledgement that the president is not satisfied with the way in which the war has been managed. Now, you can, you can move the deck chairs around, and you can bring in new people and you can change the organizational arrangements, but, ultimately, the president has the responsibility.

GEN. POWELL: If we knew today—or knew then what we know today, that there were no weapons of mass destruction, I would’ve had nothing to take to the United Nations. ~~~~~~~ But I think it is doubtful that without the weapons of mass destruction case, the president and Congress and the United Nations and those who joined us in the conflict—the British, the Italians, the Spanish, the Australians—would’ve found a persuasive enough case to support a decision to go to war.

GEN. POWELL: I wish we had put a half million troops on the ground. We would be in an entirely different situation whether there were weapons of mass destruction or not. We didn’t put a half million troops on the ground.​

Basically, what I have been saying for quite awhile now.

There is more, but I suggest you read it yourself.
What reaction are you hoping for?

The occupation strategy applied was not a success.
The small footprint, high tech, approach was not successful for a variety of reasons when it came to occupying Iraq.

What we should have done is now an academic discussion, one that needs to be studied and then applied to future missions and our military capability.
What reaction are you hoping for?

The occupation strategy applied was not a success.
The small footprint, high tech, approach was not successful for a variety of reasons when it came to occupying Iraq.

What we should have done is now an academic discussion, one that needs to be studied and then applied to future missions and our military capability.

Oh, you mean like the study performed by the ISG a year ago, who MADE recommendations for future missions, and was totally IGNORED by GWB (or at least was ignored until it became obvious GW's own plan is failing and he is now hinting that he is "embracing parts of it"??)? :rolleyes:
Oh, you mean like the study performed by the ISG a year ago, who MADE recommendations for future missions, and was totally IGNORED by GWB (or at least was ignored until it became obvious GW's own plan is failing and he is now hinting that he is "embracing parts of it"??)? :rolleyes:

Oh you mean the Iraq Surrender Group, which was a hilarious split-the-baby compromise hodgepodge of crap, including suggesting that we not only turn tail and run from Iraq, but also ask the Iranians, the very people who are supplying Al Qaeda in Iraq with weapons and ordnance and thus committing acts of war against us, for advice on what to do?

Oh you mean the Iraq Surrender Group, which was a hilarious split-the-baby compromise hodgepodge of crap, including suggesting that we not only turn tail and run from Iraq, but also ask the Iranians, the very people who are supplying Al Qaeda in Iraq with weapons and ordnance and thus committing acts of war against us, for advice on what to do?

I see you still haven't come to grips with reality, maybe you need more time off. I suspect, by the passion you display defending your boy GW BuSh, that your claim that you've "disowned" him is just :bsflag: too.
Oh, you mean like the study performed by the ISG a year ago, who MADE recommendations for future missions, and was totally IGNORED by GWB (or at least was ignored until it became obvious GW's own plan is failing and he is now hinting that he is "embracing parts of it"??)? :rolleyes:

No, the Iraqi Study Group was not a "magic bullet" solution for Iraq. It was a foreign policy paper written by committee. There were individual elements of it that were sound, but to accept the entire thing would have been foolish.

Was there something in particular that was recommended by the ISG that you think should have been applied but hasn't? Bush has acknowledged it and it probably has influenced change in policy, including the change in leadership.

What recommendations or observations from the ISG do you think have not been noted or acted on?
I see you still haven't come to grips with reality, maybe you need more time off. I suspect, by the passion you display defending your boy GW BuSh, that your claim that you've "disowned" him is just :bsflag: too.
I see you still haven't learned the definition of the term "intellectual honesty." Well, what else is new for a leftard.

Yawn. Did you actually have some facts to present here, or are you still wasting all of our time with baseless assertions?

I see you still haven't learned the definition of the term "intellectual honesty." .

Yeah - and if Clinton was in charge and started this war - then we would hear you running off at the mouth about his incompetance constantly.

I see YOU still haven't learned the definition of the term "intellectual honesty."

Here is the Conclusion I am coming to with Iraq.

We're screwed.

We're damned if we do and damned if we dont.

We, as a NATION, dont have the stomach to dump another 100k troops into Iraq.. But anything else will not work. If we leave - that wont work either.

SO now what people?

Oh - how is your surge working. Pentagon: Iraqi Violence Still Rising
Oh - how is your surge working. Pentagon: Iraqi Violence Still Rising

"YOUR" surge? What are you, not American anymore? Jeez, what a load of anti-American crap. How can you not be aware that your words are totally disrespectful of our troops on the ground?

By the way, the surge hasn't even been fully implemented yet. You must be one of those crybaby types who quit before the game even gets to halftime.
Nothing Anti American - and dont start that crap here with me.

BAGHDAD, June 15 -- The full contingent of new U.S. forces being sent to Iraq -- what military leaders call a "surge" of troops to improve security and stability in the capital -- was completed by Friday, with 28,500 additional troops now posted in the country, a U.S. military spokesman said.
Oops - wrong again Fossten.
Nothing Anti American - and dont start that crap here with me.

Oops - wrong again Fossten.

Oh, puhleeze - that just means that the final contingent ARRIVED. Only a complete moron would equate that with the surge being completely put in motion.

And if you don't want people misconstruing your anti-American statements - watch how you word things. Nobody forces you to click the "post" button before you read your stuff. Not my fault. But if I'm wrong, explain what you meant by that. As it stands, your phrase "Your surge" was anti-American.
I dont HAVE to explain anything - but I will - I was referring to the Surge you have touted and defended. YOU - YOUR - learn to read.

Why dont you go away again. More people post in this forum when your not around. While you were gone, we actually got to discuss and debate things without all this BS you keep tossing out.
Oh - how is your surge working. Pentagon: Iraqi Violence Still Rising

So how is 'your' Senator Harry Reid doing.

According to 'your' own words, the SURGE was not completed until today. All the troops are finally on the ground today and yet, on Wednesday, Harry Reid called the plan a failure.

With 'your' fearless Dem leader already calling the SURGE a loss, let's just pack it in. 'Your' not upset that 'your' leader is a tool and what he said is a bunch of *&#*(#*#%^#%%^ b.s. The plan called for a review in SEPTEMBER '07. Lefties that want to surrender so badly should give it the full 3 months and shut the pie hole in the meantime.

I can point out evidence that the SURGE is working in and all around Baghdad. In fact, many local citizens are tired of the crap and are requesting US and Iraqi training so they can get in the fight themselves and defend their towns and villages.

I'm not going to post my proof because quite frankly, it does no good. The media has pulled the wool over your eyes and have successfully put you guys in a dark corner with lots of b.s. to feed on. Ignorance is bliss.

I'll sit back and wait for the next attack and then the lefties will come crying for help, but not until having performed all 'your' hand holding, candle vigils and whatnot nonsense.
He isnt my senator - I think Reid is a bufoon. You guys have to quit thinking I am democrat. I am neither democrat nor republican. If the election were held today I would probably vote for a republican. Not sure which one, ether Thompson, McCain or Guliani -- the only democrat I like right now is Richardson, but things about him bother me too.

You are right - the surge is working in Baghdad - but at the expense of most other cities where the violence has increased. This is why I have said 20k troops isnt anywhere near enough. Colin Powell said as much.

GEN. POWELL: I wish we had put a half million troops on the ground. We would be in an entirely different situation whether there were weapons of mass destruction or not. We didn’t put a half million troops on the ground.

If the surge had 100k troops instead of 20k - increased to 28k - then I would be much more in favor of it. As it is - I dont think its going to work. A 100k surge would allow us to decrease violence in most of the cities, not just one or 2.
Why must there be a left or a right?
Can't we all agree that going into a foreign country expecting success was rediculous? Its a land of several different groups who have been in civil war for centuries! We can't fix that!
Isn't it clear that Iran ,Pakistan , or even N.Korea deserve much more time and effort? Hey anybody remember China? The most evil "USA hating" government there is?...Sigh
If its really about the war on terror shouldn't we be in Afghanistan? BY we , I mean the free world , because we(Canadians) are already dying there every day. Iraq is the least terror threat , most of it is transplanted there anyways!
Reguardless , its a horrible mess there now , and I see no "happy ending" for Bagdad , but endless occupation. Very sad.
Reguardless , its a horrible mess there now , and I see no "happy ending" for Bagdad , but endless occupation. Very sad.

1) And I see opportunity where there was none for millions of Iraqis.
2) I see a military foothold in the most volatile region in the world.
3) I see democracy, freedom and capitalism changing a nation.
4) I see a people finally waking up and starting to step up to defend there own neighborhoods, towns and villages.
5) I see a guy like Al Gore who said in 1992 the GHW Bush was not doing enough to stop Saddam and his nuclear and WMD programs and his enabling of terrorists and now the same Al Gore is singing a different tune.
6) I see us fighting our own civil war here in America against fellow Americans who happen to have drank the kool-aid provided by the MSM and now are simply pawns in a very dangerous chess game.
7) I see a President who has given us 6 years of incredible growth and prosperity despite having inherited a recession and the setback not only nationally but worldwide with the Sept 11th events. 10 million new jobs, record corporate earnings, record stock growth, record home ownership, record opportunity for ALL Americans.
8) I see things the way they are, not the way the media wants us to see them. You should try and do the same, although being Canadian, I won't hold my breath.;)
1) And I see opportunity where there was none for millions of Iraqis.
2) I see a military foothold in the most volatile region in the world.
3) I see democracy, freedom and capitalism changing a nation.
4) I see a people finally waking up and starting to step up to defend there own neighborhoods, towns and villages.
5) I see a guy like Al Gore who said in 1992 the GHW Bush was not doing enough to stop Saddam and his nuclear and WMD programs and his enabling of terrorists and now the same Al Gore is singing a different tune.
6) I see us fighting our own civil war here in America against fellow Americans who happen to have drank the kool-aid provided by the MSM and now are simply pawns in a very dangerous chess game.
7) I see a President who has given us 6 years of incredible growth and prosperity despite having inherited a recession and the setback not only nationally but worldwide with the Sept 11th events. 10 million new jobs, record corporate earnings, record stock growth, record home ownership, record opportunity for ALL Americans.
8) I see things the way they are, not the way the media wants us to see them. You should try and do the same, although being Canadian, I won't hold my breath.;)

well said
1) And I see opportunity where there was none for millions of Iraqis.
2) I see a military foothold in the most volatile region in the world.
3) I see democracy, freedom and capitalism changing a nation.
4) I see a people finally waking up and starting to step up to defend there own neighborhoods, towns and villages.
5) I see a guy like Al Gore who said in 1992 the GHW Bush was not doing enough to stop Saddam and his nuclear and WMD programs and his enabling of terrorists and now the same Al Gore is singing a different tune.
6) I see us fighting our own civil war here in America against fellow Americans who happen to have drank the kool-aid provided by the MSM and now are simply pawns in a very dangerous chess game.
7) I see a President who has given us 6 years of incredible growth and prosperity despite having inherited a recession and the setback not only nationally but worldwide with the Sept 11th events. 10 million new jobs, record corporate earnings, record stock growth, record home ownership, record opportunity for ALL Americans.
8) I see things the way they are, not the way the media wants us to see them. You should try and do the same, although being Canadian, I won't hold my breath.;)

Shame 71% of Americans disagree with most of that huh.
A few completely smart-ass answers just to piss you off... :D

1) And I see opportunity where there was none for millions of Iraqis.

Forget opportunity; I expect 99.999% of them would settle for simply being able to safely walk down the street.

2) I see a military foothold in the most volatile region in the world.

In other words, a huge bullseye with the letters "Made in USA" on it. Wonderful.

3) I see democracy, freedom and capitalism changing a nation.

We need to restore those here at home first. Starting sometime in 2009, God willing.

4) I see a people finally waking up and starting to step up to defend there own neighborhoods, towns and villages.

And it should continue be up to them now, not us.

5) I see a guy like Al Gore who said in 1992 the GHW Bush was not doing enough to stop Saddam and his nuclear and WMD programs and his enabling of terrorists and now the same Al Gore is singing a different tune.

Which has about as much relevance today as the series finale of The Golden Girls.

6) I see us fighting our own civil war here in America against fellow Americans who happen to have drank the kool-aid provided by the MSM and now are simply pawns in a very dangerous chess game.

OK General Lee, here's a suggestion: pack up your crap, move to Texas, and secede. Hire a few million illegals to build a wall (from the outside of course), and have a hey day in your new Utopian fortress. Hell, make George Bush King! Us Americans who believe in the Constitution, human rights, and the rule of law will go about our business.

7) I see a President who has given us 6 years of incredible growth and prosperity despite having inherited a recession and the setback not only nationally but worldwide with the Sept 11th events. 10 million new jobs, record corporate earnings, record stock growth, record home ownership, record opportunity for ALL Americans.

Despite all that, I see a growing poverty rate, unsustainable consumer debt, good-paying jobs being shipped overseas to be replaced by low-wage service jobs. I don't consider all of that to be Bush's fault any more than I credit him with the things you mentioned. And what this has to do with Iraq is unknown.

8) I see things the way they are, not the way the media wants us to see them. You should try and do the same, although being Canadian, I won't hold my breath.;)

You're in a waking dream state, snap out of it. What you see is an illiusion. :N
I dont HAVE to explain anything - but I will - I was referring to the Surge you have touted and defended. YOU - YOUR - learn to read.

Why dont you go away again. More people post in this forum when your not around. While you were gone, we actually got to discuss and debate things without all this BS you keep tossing out.

Wow, what a whiny baby. Gee, should I listen to you, who calls me out for direct criticism regularly, or should I listen to others?

"B-O-O H-O-O."

- John Bender, The Breakfast Club

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