GEN2 Blend door....


Dmaup's Daddy
Oct 22, 2004
Reaction score
Colorado Springs, CO
Hey guys....I took the 98 out for a spin last night and noticed the heat is'nt very strong when set at 90. I was under the assumption that there would be NO heat when this broke. is this the case, or can it be "kinda" broke? I can still adjust it from cold to hot, it just does'nt get HOT like it should.

Yes, the engine is up to tempature and everything else is normal, just not HOT. Any ideas about what I should look for?

yeah, mine has kinda always been like that...and it doesnt blow as hard as id think it interested in the answer to this
I have the same problem. I found that PNL|FLOOR setting blows hotter air than VENT, and the defrost just blows cold air even when set at 90 degrees.
Mike, blend door time. You can move the lever manually under the corner of the glove box to stay alive for the time being. Right now it is half-broke. Soon to be fully-broke.

Damned good thing I just bought a kerosene heater to make the garage liveable. Where's the parts list for this job?
MrWilson said:
yeah, mine has kinda always been like that...and it doesnt blow as hard as id think it interested in the answer to this

Yours is controlled by a blend door actuator motor and has no arm. The arm problem is from 97-98. Before that, a failure is due to the plastic internal gears on the blend door actuator motor.
94m5 said:

Damned good thing I just bought a kerosene heater to make the garage liveable. Where's the parts list for this job?

It should not be very bad, I had to replace the actuator motor on my 96 and it took about 5 hours taking my time and taking breaks. Procedure is very similar.
You can actually stick your finger up in there and open and close it that way. Also you can see if it's stuck part way open causing your "not enough heat" problem.
Thanks guys.....

I know it's not that hard, i just needed the parts list to get what was required. I have to get the upper a arms and tie rods replaced so I'll do it all at once.


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