George Soros ad found to be a spoof that many believed!


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Krushing Karl Rove

by Klaus Rohrich
Thursday, July 21, 2005

If you’ve ever doubted that the Democrats’ luminaries are either A) loopy and/or B) convinced that their constituents are total morons, then listening to George Soros’ commercial detailing the evils of Karl Rove will forever erase any doubts. I first heard it last week while driving through New York State and listening to talk radio, and my first impression was that it was a clever and very funny spoof on the Democrats’ feelings about Karl Rove.

A very lugubrious voice starts by telling the audience that Karl Rove, Like George W. Bush is from Texas and therefore, like Bush, he’s a liar. In the background a whispering second voice echoes what the first voice is saying, "he lies…" Then the voice goes on to say that Rove leaked the name of a secret CIA agent to the press, all the while accompanied by the whispering voice echoing "CIA agent to the press…" Finally the voice says that Karl Rove’s name starts with the letter K, just like the Klan. Then to make sure that no one would think this was a clever spoof, a tag at the end of the commercial informs the listener that the commercial was paid for by George Soros.

I still had difficulty believing that the commercial wasn’t a spoof, as a man as supposedly astute as George Soros would appear to be more nuanced and sophisticated, unless, of course, he thought his audience was comprised of slavering idiots.

As a spoof, the piece was brilliant. As a serious political commercial it was probably the most lowbrow effort I’ve ever heard.

If Karl Rove were to reciprocate with his own commercial, it might go something like this:

"George Soros is Hungarian, just like Janos Kadar and therefore, like Kadar, Soros is a communist, a ‘goulash communist’, but nevertheless a communist. Soros told Michael Moore that it was Bush and his friends, the Saudis, who were responsible for 9/11 along with the right-wing fundamentalist Christian Zionists in their evil efforts to gain world domination. Soros’ name starts with an ‘S’ just like the word ‘s--t’. Think about that."

Admittedly, my spoof of Soros’ commercial about Karl Rove is every bit as tasteless, yet it contains about the same amount of truth. Interesting thing is if someone in the Republican Party ran my commercial on American radio, the outcry emanating from the so-called mainstream media would be deafening. Yet so long as the character being assassinated is that of a Republican and one in the Bush camp, at that, the media will continue napping.

What the Democrats and their media lapdogs haven’t glommed on to as yet is that the American public isn’t nearly as stupid as they think and they are no longer buying it. That’s one of the reasons why Americans have been deserting the Democratic Party in droves, leaving only the left wing nutters to run the show.

It is interesting to note that the advent of talk radio and the Internet neatly coincides with the decline of the mainstream media as well as the Democratic Party. People now have a choice of where their news and information originates. As the more sane and rational Americans decide they’ve had enough of the whackos attempting to ram a radical agenda down their throats, the power and popularity of both the Democratic Party and the mainstream media is in steep decline.

It’s a comforting feeling knowing that there are people like George Soros who are spending their own money in an effort to vilify the Republicans. Their negativity has a much more positive effect on Republicans than anything the GOP could do on their own. As evidence of this public relations disaster begins to mount, Soros and the Democrats will probably claim that the devious Karl Rove cleverly and nefariously manouvered the hapless Soros into paying for this commercial.

Klaus Rohrich is columnist with Canada Free Press. He can be reached at:

Well, it turns out that this commercial was actually authored and broadcasted by none other than Rush Limbaugh!

Here's the transcript:

COMMERCIAL: What does Karl Rove have to hide? Plenty. Just like George W. Bush and Tom DeLay. Karl Rove is from Texas. Texas. And he works in the White House. White House. Just a coincidence? I don't think so. Karl talked to the press about the husband of a CIA agent. CIA. And Karl spells his name with a K. Just like the Klan. The Klan. If you think Karl Rove should stop hiding, do whatever you can to get him out of Washington because we can't. Paid for by George Soros and travel friends of Nancy Pelosi.

Isn't it funny that people really believe that this commercial was paid for by George Soros?

Libs losing credibility day after day...​
Ok..... here i am reading this thinking.... "Soros did pay for this? wow i thought it was supposed to be a spoof!" I guess i finally got fooled.... fer a moment anyway.

Ya i lol, when i heard it on Rush this week. of course i knew it was Rush's right away. He cracks me up.

And ppl accuse us all of being rush puppets..... well.... rush is just that good. He is very smart, we're very smart, d@mn it, we should agree!!!! and to top it all off, he is funny AND respectful to his callers!

Now.... wouldn't it be a riot if Rush ran in '08?

(no pun intended)
Anybody read the Byron York article on Karl Rove on the National Review? I thought it was very informative. I'll try to find the page, and put a link of it on here.
Gruuvin8 said:
Ok..... here i am reading this thinking.... "Soros did pay for this? wow i thought it was supposed to be a spoof!" I guess i finally got fooled.... fer a moment anyway.

Ya i lol, when i heard it on Rush this week. of course i knew it was Rush's right away. He cracks me up.

And ppl accuse us all of being rush puppets..... well.... rush is just that good. He is very smart, we're very smart, d@mn it, we should agree!!!! and to top it all off, he is funny AND respectful to his callers!

Now.... wouldn't it be a riot if Rush ran in '08?

(no pun intended)

IMHO, it would be a bad idea for Rush to run. He won't anyway, b/c he would take a huge pay cut. But he's too controversial. Whether we like it or not, a candidate has to have the ability to draw a large percentage of voters, and Rush has too many people that hate him, too many others that misunderstand him. Never mind that he's always right. Neither he nor Sean Hannity would get enough votes. It's a fun idea, though.

Limbaugh/Hannity '08.

The libs' worst nightmare. But it would never work.
No, our worst nightmare would be a continuation of the corrupt Bush dynasty with Jeb-Jeb in charge. He be just another puppet for big oil.
barry2952 said:
No, our worst nightmare would be a continuation of the corrupt Bush dynasty with Jeb-Jeb in charge. He be just another puppet for big oil.

Actually, I was thinking something along these lines:

Santorum/DeLay '08.

Realistically, that duo would win if Hillary ran. Mickey Mouse would win if Hillary ran.

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