Everyone's selling something.
But trying to sell bad news isn't usually a popular or wise business strategy, especially when it's contrary to the conventional wisdom.
In his defends, and keeping things "real", he's been following this trend for several years now. And doing so was supposed to have been bad business, because people didn't want to read it. There's interest now, but not for the last few years.
I think right now, being in the doom and gloom business is showing to be pretty good. Just look at the threads on this site - the right is picking doom and gloom constantly
Celente is just going with the current 'trend'. He follows trends - doom and gloom looks like a good 'sell' right now, so there he goes... Down the path of the sale.
He is a generalist usually.
However, he certainly didn't predict this market down turn did he? (No he didn't).
He didn't predict 9/11, the Iraqi war, the first black president. Heck, the list of what he 'didn't' predict is monumental.
What I look for when looking at the 'record' of these fortune tellers is not how much they got right, or even how many they got wrong - but how many did they miss entirely...
Celente missed a lot. And usually what is remembered, and drudged up are successes, failures are conveniently quickly forgotten.
Heck, even the dot.com turn down, which he says he correctly 'predicted' was going on for about 6 months before his prediction surfaced.
He predicted in 2000 that moderation and simplicity was right around the corner - ah... well, let's just say not during the Bush years.
I think he had some bizarre thing about how we would all be turning our front yards into gardens.
The fashion industry is on the outs do to the return of 'individuality'....
Painting and sculpture will be undermined by virtual reality and computer technology. (Been to a gallery show lately?)
The macarena is just the beginning of the latin influence in music - on a wide scale.
But, what he usually does is broad stroke things... Things such as when Americans grow older they will be spending more time at home.
He suggested Walmart could appear to be a better community citizen if they used local philanthropy.. duh
Generalities are simple... and common sense. Although I will say there certainly has been a lack of that in many areas of commerce leading up to this point.
I think my wife signed us up. We're getting ready to do some investing with his company.
Foss, I never took you for such an optimist - heck with all the doom and gloom that Celente is forecasting, should you be investing in anything? I mean if you go with full scale revolution, as he is forecasting - do you really think an old man, or his internet/publishing/professional speaking company has much of a chance?
SWHC... better bet...