Getting tired of this


Well-Known LVC Member
Jun 28, 2004
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I know this has come up before but I cant wait till the election is over. I getting tired of all the political threads that go on here.This morning I log on and of 34 threads 16 are political. I want to read about cars not Bush/Kerry.If they own a Lincoln or a Cadillac then I'll be happy to talk about them but what purpose do they have being blasted all over a car forum.I come to this site to talk cars not presidents do you think they log on there president forum and talk about Lincolns no.I'm sure this will piss some people off but thats life.
Well - the winner gets driven around in a one of a kind cadillac for the next four years - so thats something.

Id like to think we are all friends here - and friends dont only talk about one subject. Politics might not be your bag - and thats fine, but there are many many non car and non politics posts - jokes, girls, people just venting about personal stuff, and other topics.

the Political forum has been a busy place, no question - the election is today - and within a week there will be much less politic posts and we can get back to abnormal around here... :) Be patient.
Joeychgo said:
Well - the winner gets driven around in a one of a kind cadillac for the next four years - so thats something.

Id like to think we are all friends here - and friends dont only talk about one subject. Politics might not be your bag - and thats fine, but there are many many non car and non politics posts - jokes, girls, people just venting about personal stuff, and other topics.

the Political forum has been a busy place, no question - the election is today - and within a week there will be much less politic posts and we can get back to abnormal around here... :) Be patient.

Wait Joey you mentioned girls where are they
The political posts will die down after the pretender Kerry is voted down today.

If you missed the thread with the chicks, see a doctor immediately. You need some help.

There are some seriously hot babes in that thread.
I also despise politics but the Presidential limo is, as Joey put it, a one of a kind Cadillac.
I'm not sure how this happens. It must be part of the fact that I'm on the media list for GM, but I actually get media kits for the Pres limo's.

It's kind of funny that the Fleetwood I own was the same model year used for the Clinton administration. And for whatever reason that was the first Pres limo kit I received. I have not gotten another since.

Kbob said:
MarkedMan said:
I getting tired of all the political threads that go on here.
I think the problem here is that the threads for the politics have to many big words for MarkedMan. We need speak his language so he can participate in conversation (grunt...while scratching crotch).
Let the Games Begin!!!!!!!!!!

By the way, for those not in the know, MarkedMan is Jibit's Brother in Law.

(Joey ducks)
Now back to your regularily scheduled program.
MarkedMan said:
Jibit suffers from Marked Man envy
Oh come on. I know you have something better to come back with than that. Were you living in Indiana too long? Or is that you pudgy fingers won't let you type fast enough?
MarkedMan said:
or was the hip decoration that you have called a pager buzzing.
You know that's funny you mention that because who has the cell phone that doesn't work half the time. You get messages the next day, the other half you can't get a signal. How much do you pay for this great service? How long of a contract did they sucker you in for (and I do mean sucker).
Atleast I call people back when I recieve calls. I bet you forgot how to use it. All you know is that sometimes you feel important when it beeps. The ninties called they want there pager back
OK, now you've really ticked me off and I'm going to teach you a lesson. First off, I have no need for a cell phone. I don't like talking to people, do enough of that at work. Besides, the prices are over rated.

Now a lesson on priorities. If I had the money I may have a cell phone but right now money does not permit it. I've had to cut cost at all corners to try to make it by in hard times.

Now as for you. I recall you getting out of a lease about a 2 years ago on a truck....shall I continue?
MarkedMan said:
Are you getting angry Dave.
I guess I'll continue.....

So I lend you my Mark VII, which has since been treated like crap, because you gave up your lease to save money and only had one vehicle.

Well, you go out and by a $15K Harley, instead of getting a second car. This didn't really get to me until I found out the whole truth about something.

I think it was before the Harley you were looking into buying another car, a Mark VIII. Coming home drunk one night you pull the e-brake on the Saturn and send it into the wall totalling it. Once again, you are left with one car, so you keep the Mark VII.

Its been two years you've had the Mark VII and have since sold your '70 LeSabre and bought a '70 GS and you still have the Harley. However, you continue to spend money on the cars and bike but you don't consider buying a second vehicle.

Where do your priorities lie?

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