Go utah!


Dedicated LVC Member
Jul 11, 2005
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I promise to nicer if you promise to be smarter.
The bill is kinda long, but the gist of it, the County Sheriff (and deputies) now have the power to act on federal illegal immigration laws, illegals won't be able to apply for state benefits, etc. etc.


Highlighted Provisions:
12 This bill:
13 . requires a county sheriff to make a reasonable effort to determine the citizenship
14 status of a person confined to a county jail for a period of time and to verify the
15 immigration status of a confined foreign national, and makes it a rebuttable
16 presumption, for the purpose of determining the grant or issuance of a bond, that a
17 person verified by the sheriff's efforts as a foreign national not lawfully admitted into
18 the United States is at risk of flight;
19 . provides that the Alcoholic Beverage Control Commission may not grant a
20 restaurant liquor license or private club license to a person who is not lawfully
21 present in the United States;
22 . provides for the creation and issuance of identification documents and requires that
23 those identification documents issued by public entities go only to United States
24 citizens, nationals, or legal permanent resident aliens with certain exceptions;
25 . provides for exceptions to the issuance of identification documents by public entities
26 based on valid documentation of certain approved or pending immigration status and
27 places time period restrictions on the length of validity of the documents;
28 . requires public employers to register with and use a Status Verification System to
29 verify the federal authorization status of a new employee;
30 . beginning July 1, 2009, provides that a public employer may not enter into a contract
31 for the physical performance of services within the state with a contractor unless the
32 contractor registers and participates in the Status Verification System to verify the
33 work eligibility status of the contractor's new employees;
34 . provides that it is unlawful to discharge a lawful employee while retaining an
35 unauthorized alien in the same job category;
36 . requires an agency or political subdivision of the state to verify the lawful presence
37 in the United States of an individual who has applied for a state or local public
38 benefit, as defined by federal law, or a federal public benefit that is administered by
39 the agency or the political subdivision and provides for exceptions;
40 . requires an applicant for a state or local public benefit to certify the applicant's lawful
41 presence in the United States, and provides penalties for making a false, fictitious, or
42 fraudulent statement or representation in the certification;
43 . provides, subject to the availability of funding, for the establishment of a Fraudulent
44 Documents Identification Unit by the attorney general for the primary purpose of
45 investigating, apprehending, and prosecuting individuals who participate in the sale
46 or distribution of fraudulent identification documents created and prepared for
47 individuals who are unlawfully residing within the state;
48 . requires the attorney general to negotiate a Memorandum of Understanding with the
49 United States Department of Justice or the United States Department of Homeland
50 Security for the enforcement of federal immigration and customs laws within the
51 state by state and local law enforcement personnel;
52 . prohibits a unit of local government from enacting an ordinance or policy that limits
53 or prohibits a law enforcement officer or government employee from communicating
54 or cooperating with federal officials regarding the immigration status of a person
55 within the state; and
56 . makes it a class A misdemeanor for a person to:
57 . transport into this state or for a distance of 100 miles within the state an alien for
58 commercial advantage or private financial gain, knowing that the alien is in the United States in
59 violation of federal law, in furtherance of the illegal presence in the United States; or
60 . conceal, harbor, or shelter from detection an alien, in a place within this state for
61 commercial advantage or private financial gain, knowing or in reckless disregard
62 of the fact that the alien is in the United States in violation of federal law.
63 Monies Appropriated in this Bill:
64 None
65 Other Special Clauses:
66 This bill takes effect on July 1, 2009.
67 This bill coordinates with H.B. 63, Recodification of Title 63 State Affairs in General,
68 by providing technical renumbering.
69 Utah Code Sections Affected:
71 32A-4-103, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2003, Chapter 314
72 32A-5-103, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2003, Chapter 314
74 17-22-9.5, Utah Code Annotated 1953
75 63-99a-101, Utah Code Annotated 1953
76 63-99a-102, Utah Code Annotated 1953
77 63-99a-103, Utah Code Annotated 1953
78 63-99a-104, Utah Code Annotated 1953
79 67-5-22.5, Utah Code Annotated 1953
80 67-5-26, Utah Code Annotated 1953
81 76-10-2701, Utah Code Annotated 1953
83 Be it enacted by the Legislature of the state of Utah:
84 Section 1. Section 17-22-9.5 is enacted to read:
85 17-22-9.5. Citizenship determination of incarcerated persons.
Wow - drinking in Utah - what's next?

I like what they have done with the immigration laws - it will be interesting to see if it holds up in federal court... Federal agencies usually are fairly protective of themselves, and certainly ICE is no exception...

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