Dr. Paul said:
Working on my Lincolns > Working on my Mustang
Ya know, I think I'm starting to like the Lincolns better.
The front suspenion on the 95 Lincoln was playing the 'Lowrider' theme song for me. The passenger side air bag was leaking. So, order a new strut and solenoid online for about $220, and it shows up a few days later.
Took about an hour and a half from start to finish to replace the strut. Four bolts, an air line, and an electrical connector. Voila, the car is fixed. Zero problems.
Then, my headlamp bulb was out in the mighty red Lincoln of Death. (98 LSC) Ordered a new one - cost me $200. Shocked HID bulbs = Sh!t
Anyway, two bolts, one screw, and a bunch of electrical connections and the headlamp is out. Very carefully remove/reinstall the new bulb, and almost done. There's a little bubble level actually attached to the bulb assembly, pretty trick. I set it to what the old one was set at, and reinstall everything. Bada Bing, fixed. Total time spent, about half an hour.
You see, I work on the Lincolns, and they're actually fixed. I work on the Mustang, and just look at my watch and wonder how long before something else f*cks up that is going to take a few weekends worth of back-breaking work to fix.
Lincoln > Mustang