GOP: The Party of Violence and HATE


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Nah, the GOP is a peace-loving party.......

Mark Hosenball andMichael Isikoff

Fears for Obama
Neo-Nazi threats as great a worry as Al Qaeda?

Published Oct 29, 2008

With the presidential election only days away, federal officials are looking closely for any uptick in threats to presidential candidates from white supremacist or other extremist groups. But in contrast to the pre-election atmosphere of four years ago, U.S. agencies have picked up little "chatter" about looming Islamic terror plots—and scant indications of any imminent pre-election messages from Al Qaeda leaders like Osama bin Laden.

Earlier this week, authorities announced they had busted up a far-fetched plot directed at Democratic candidate Barack Obama by two young "skinhead" racists in Tennessee. That case, along with a similar extremist plot broken up before the Democratic Party convention in Denver and the recent arrest of a neo-Nazi leader in Virginia, have pointed up the extent to which the government is paying attention to the threat to Obama from far-right extremist factions. "I don't know that we're seeing a resurgence of these groups," Michael Ward, deputy assistant FBI director for counterterrorism, told NEWSWEEK. "But we are seeing an increase in rhetoric."

Ward says the increasing anger of white supremacists has manifested itself in Internet postings and threats reported to law-enforcement agencies. What worries the FBI most, he says, are "lone wolves" who might be seething with anger and armed to the teeth but who do not show up on any government radar screens.

Since last February, a presidential-campaign-threat task force created by the FBI and Secret Service has conducted more than 650 "threat assessments" to evaluate reports that could involve threats to presidential or vice presidential contenders or any others connected to the election. About 100 of those threats have been assessed to be "racially motivated" and are thought to be directed at Obama. <Republicans> Another 100 of the reports received since last winter are deemed to be "political" and come from across the ideological spectrum. They include pro-gun groups <Republicans> and anti-abortion extremists <Republicans>. Other categories used by the task force to track threats don't breakdown along ideological or political lines.
A similar interagency group was put together four years ago when U.S. agencies were anxious about the possibility of a pre-election attack by Al Qaeda or its affiliates. Ward said concerns about an attack by Al Qaeda or other Islamic extremists haven't evaporated. But this year, concerns about white-supremacist threats have grown. "They're both high on the radar screen and they're of equal concern," he said.

At least three lurid right-wing-extremist threats directed at Obama have come to light through government court proceedings since the end of last summer. First, as delegates and journalists were arriving in Denver in late August for the Democratic National Convention, three alleged white supremacists were arrested by local and federal authorities on drug and gun charges. In court papers, the Feds said that the three, who had access to a rifle with a sniper scope, had discussed their hatred for Obama and the possibility of shooting him from a "grassy knoll." However, investigators said that most if not all of this lurid conversation took place while the suspects were addled by methamphetamines; the suspects were never actually charged with threatening Obama, which in itself is a possible federal crime.
Police: Ex-lover stabbed Boynton Beach executive 200 times with screwdriver

Palm Beach Post Staff Writer

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

BOYNTON BEACH — A woman ( A DEMOCRAT) who lived with her ex-partner (ALSO A DEMOCRAT) on the city's south side stabbed her former lover (POOR DEMOCRAT) more than 200 times with a Phillips-head screwdriver and then tried to conceal the killing, police said.

After committing the crime, Carol Anne Burger, 57, (A DEMOCRAT) a writer who friends described as engaged and eager to move on with life, reported her old flame missing and then, a day later, shot herself to death in her backyard, police said.

Murder-suicide in Boynton

The victim:
Jessica Kalish, 56, (A DEMOCRAT) a successful software executive, was found dead in her BMW.

The revelation at a news conference this morning marked the final chapter of the gruesome murder mystery, which began last Thursday with Burger's phone call and the grim discovery that followed.

A bloodied Jessica Kalish, 56, (ALSO A LESBIAN DEMOCRAT) a successful software executive, was found stuffed in the backseat of her gunmetal BMW, which was parked behind 2300 S. Congress Ave.

She had been stabbed 220 times, with the wounds concentrated in the back of her head, back, arms and face, said Lt. Gary Chapman. The majority of the wounds were between an inch and an inch-and-a-half deep.

A blow to Kalish's neck likely killed her, Chapman said.

On Kalish's car, blood was splashed around the rear end and on the rear undercarriage, as if Burger had tried to load Kalish into the trunk before putting her in the backseat. Kalish's driver-side window was shattered and her keys and wallet were later found discarded on Gateway Boulevard.

As investigators studied the case, several telltale signs pointed to Burger, they said, including the ferocity and personal nature of the killing.

Detectives said Kalish exercised at LA Fitness on Wednesday night before returning home by 9:30 p.m. She was probably dead by midnight, Chapman said. After the crime, police said Burger put Kalish in the BMW and drove her to the Congress Avenue site before walking home, a distance of about 2 1/2 miles.

Burger cleaned up the garage and apparently used the washing machine and bathroom sink, where traces of Kalish's blood was later detected. She got into her Toyota Celica, drove to 548 E. Gateway Blvd. and tossed out Kalish's keys and wallet, police said.

On Tuesday, detectives searched the former couple's house, at 3300 Churchill Drive, and used Luminol, a chemical agent that causes blood traces to fluoresce under ultraviolet light, to uncover a "tremendous amount of blood" in the garage. It was there investigators said Burger attacked Kalish.

The Luminol also revealed Burger's glowing sneaker prints on the garage floor, "indicative of her walking through the blood," police said.

"We believe the process of killing Jessica was pretty lengthy, in and out of the car," Chapman said. "She obviously was out of her mind."

Burger's friends refused to believe she was capable of such savagery.

Despite their strained living situation - friends said Burger and Kalish (BOTH DEMOCRATS)were married in Massachusetts but had broken up at least a year ago - Burger was excited about her future.

"She came across as someone who was adjusting to an unpleasant, chronic situation," said Toni Armstrong, who befriended Burger about a year ago. "It seemed like a chronic, unpleasant situation rather than a crisis."

Burger and Kalish had recently hired a lawyer to draw up plans to sell the house and split the money. Kalish had met another woman and would spend hours on her side of the house, absorbed in cyber-dates with her new companion, friends said.

Burger, upset at the disintegration of her relationship and disgusted with the U.S. during the past several years, sometimes talked of moving to Panama or Mexico to start again.

That she had recently lost her job didn't help the bouts of depression she sometimes experienced, said her close friend and confidante, Helen Gale.

But when the Web site The Huffington Post tapped Burger to cover the election from Florida this month, the job seemed to give her renewed focus. Burger burned to write a story for the site's front page and poured herself into the work, Gale said.

How, she wondered, can you reconcile this person with the killer who vented such rage on Kalish?

"My gut tells me that it's impossible and that something else is going on," Gale said. "This is just beyond belief."

MonsterMark edited this post: Sorry Fossten, had to fix it for you.
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