GOP treats Americans like whores - Limbaugh transcript enclosed!


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Apr 24, 2005
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RUSH: Highland Mills, New York, this is Dave. Glad you waited, sir. Welcome.

CALLER: Hi, Rush. How are you?

RUSH: Good.

CALLER: Good, good. Rush, I almost fell out of my chair yesterday. I'm watching Fox News on TV, and I watched these senators come out to tell us that they're going to give us a hundred dollar rebate because of the gas prices.

RUSH: Yeah, yeah.

CALLER: You know, these are political giants. These are the guys that we all look upon to get us out of time and trouble. I can just picture them sitting around this big huge mahogany desk and this is what they came up with. It's laughable. I cannot believe that's what they came up with.

RUSH: Let me add my perspective to this. I saw the president in the Rose Garden today, and he was talking about the economy and first quarter growth -- folks, wait 'til you hear the news on this, too. First quarter growth was 4.8%. Four-eight! You won't believe the coverage. Four-eight is astounding, and one of the news services reports this as "less than expected," and "underperforming expectations" or something. I'll get to that in due course. We talked about this hundred dollar rebate. The president talked about how he thinks the oil companies ought to do more exploration, and I said, "Where?" I'm shouting at my own president. I said, "Where are they going to explore? They're not allowed to explore anywhere! They can explore off the coast of Cuba and they can explore off the coast of Mexico, for those two countries, but where can they explore?" It's 4.8% first quarter growth, and it was portrayed as "less than expected."
With moderate inflation! There still isn't any sign that core inflation is going up. So now we come up with this hundred-dollar rebate plan. Somebody has set the price for buying us off, folks. This is an election year. Somebody in Washington, and I'm sad to say it's a Republican, thinks that we are upset over gas prices and that for a hundred bucks, they could buy us off and we'll cool down. For a hundred bucks! This is so mixed up and just plain wrong, it's unbelievable. If they would have asked they would have never heard me say, "These high gas prices suck but for a hundred bucks I'm willing to forgive and forget." Why didn't somebody ask me if I was upset about gas prices and if so what I was upset about? Because the last thing I would have said is, "Yeah, I'm upset but you can buy me off for a hundred bucks and I'll still vote for you." What kind of insult is this? A hundred bucks, folks! They want to buy us off for a hundred bucks. It's absolutely absurd. This is the kind of stuff I'm telling you you're going to get more and more of it as this year goes on. They want to buy us off. That's all! It's a bribe! A hundred bucks! That's all we're worth to 'em. A hundred bucks and we'll shut up! A hundred bucks and we'll go away! A hundred bucks and we'll vote for 'em.

Here's what I would have said if somebody asked me if I was upset about gas prices or what I was upset about what to do about it, I would have said, "Let the oil companies drill for oil on our land or under our seas with no restrictions now. Clean up the regulations. Let the oil companies bills some refineries, a bunch of them." I would investigate Senator Schumer for his role in illegally taking Maryland Lieutenant Governor Steele's credit report. This may be off the point a bit but it makes more sense to investigate Schumer than investigate oil companies for succumbing to supply, demand and congressional lunacy! Look at the obstacles they have. They have got to put up with supply-and-demand problems and then a bunch of lunatics in Congress who want to investigate the oil companies -- and you can bring those old fat execs in all day and all night and you're not going to produce an additional drop of I'll by doing it, and you're not going to produce an additional drop of gasoline by doing it.

All you're going to do is make people think, "Yeah! Yeah! Get even with them," but the price is still going to be what it is, and the supply is still going to be what it is. Next thing I would suggest is that every member of Congress take a course in hysteria management. There's not an anger management problem in the country. There's a hysteria management problem, big time. It's a tsunami after tsunami after tsunami of hysteria. I have a couple of other ideas, but you get the point. About this hundred bucks, I am guessing that a hundred bucks could not even pay for two strippers to attend a lacrosse team party, and yet they think they can buy us off with a hundred bucks! You think you can get a couple strippers to show up at a party for a hundred bucks? There is no way, folks, and a hundred bucks sure would not get me to attend a congressional insult-a-thon. So instead of buying us off and treating us like we're a bunch of whores, just solve the problem. Guys, how about solving the problem? Don't try to buy me off. Don't try to buy us off. That's not the solution. It just makes us even madder. Have some guts and do your job. That's my advice to the people who think I'm not better than a cheap hundred dollar bill.
I miss watching his TV show when it was on, and i used to listen to hir radio show when i could pick it up. He has a unique perspective that drives democrats crazy.

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