Dedicated LVC Member
GOP Will Win in November
Philip V. Brennan
Wednesday, Oct. 11, 2006
"Run for the hills, the dam has burst!" was the alarm shouted by the horde of panicked people racing to get out of town ahead of the floodwaters in the famous James Thurber story that ended with someone halting the exodus by asking, "What dam?"
At the moment, we're hearing a similar cry about the coming November 7 congressional elections. This time, according to the media, the barbarian Democratic hordes and a few nervous Nellies in the GOP, it is the Republican dam bursting, ready to wash any number of Republican members of Congress off Capitol Hill.
For the Democrats and their media flunkies it's written in the sands. The raging waters will carry off at the very least 15 Republicans and hand Mrs. Pelosi the House speakership. Some of the more sanguine Democrats even expect the tide to reach the Senate and drown the re-election hopes of six Republicans, thus handing the upper body to the Democrats.
Along with the late Mr. Thurber's character, I am inclined to ask, "What dam?"
Do you mean, for example, the tiny crack in the levee allegedly created by the Mark Foley scandal? If so, as they say in New Yawk, "Forgeddaboutit." The Foley scandal will have an effect in maybe two House races, and that effect may, even in those cases, prove minimal and not decisive.
We are being told by the ever-so-wise media savants that the conservative Republican base is so disturbed by l'affair Foley that they will express their discomfort with the GOP by staying home on Election Day, thereby depriving the Republicans of the electoral muscle they need to win the fight.
Now, there may be a small number of idiots who actually believe they will somehow best serve the conservative cause by putting into power, by their absence at the polls, an assemblage of loony leftists who will turn the Hill in the nation's largest nuthouse, raise their taxes, tie the hands of the president in the middle of a war where the West's very survival is at stake, and advance the cause of socialism that is so dear to their hearts.
At the most, that cadre of discontented conservatives will attract a lot of noise, but because they are the tiniest of minorities and obviously slightly deranged, their protests will fall on deaf ears.
At the moment, however, it is an article of faith among the Democrats' media lackeys that these disgruntled Republicans are a near majority among conservatives and their allies in the so-called religious right, and they will sit on their hands on November 7. In other words, the Republican Party will not be able to get its vote out on Election Day.
Boy, are they in for a surprise!
Whirring away out of sight is the GOP's get-out-the-vote machinery and it's well oiled, its cogs spinning smoothly and ready to produce a record-breaking turnout on November 7. Mr. Rove and his companion Mr. Mehlman have been busy fine-tuning the machinery for over two years, testing it with spectacular results in little-noticed local elections across the nation, and they are ready to roll and drive their troops to the polls.
It is an article of faith among the media elite that the average American voter out there in fly-over country is a dolt, totally incapable of sifting out the political wheat from the political chaff. Only with the guidance of their intellectual and cultural superiors in the media can they possibly make sensible decisions and vote in the ... sniff ... "proper" manner.
The problem for all the pretty boys and leggy blondes at the networks, the elites at the New York Times, the Washington Post and the rest of the socialist media, is that outside of their sheltered enclaves on the East and West Coasts, nobody is listening to them anymore.
We don't have to – we now have Fox Cable, Rush Limbaugh, my gutsy pal Mike Reagan, Laura Ingraham, Ann Coulter, David Limbaugh, Bill O'Reilly and about 600 talk radio hosts, Web sites such as the top-rated, and Matt Drudge, and a host of well-researched and well-reported blogs to deliver the truth rather than the phony pap the mainstream media have been feeding us for years.
Thanks to these feisty news sources, residents of the Red States have been able to penetrate the liberal iron curtain and get the facts the liberal mainstream media would, if they could, prevent them from learning. To them, an educated electorate sounds their death knell.
The bottom line is that no matter how hard they try, the media cannot get the American people to believe that their safety would be safer in the hands of the Democrats, that cutting and running in Iraq and exposing the entire Middle East to a certain and bloody catastrophe is a good thing, and that their money is best spent by Nancy Pelosi, Howard Dean and Harry Reid and not by themselves.
November 7 is going to be a battle royal, not easily won, but when the smoke clears, Nancy Pelosi will still be the feckless House minority leader, Harry Reid will remain the leader of the Senate minority, all will be well, and God will be safe in His heavens.
The dam is still standing, with nary a leak.
Philip V. Brennan
Wednesday, Oct. 11, 2006
"Run for the hills, the dam has burst!" was the alarm shouted by the horde of panicked people racing to get out of town ahead of the floodwaters in the famous James Thurber story that ended with someone halting the exodus by asking, "What dam?"
At the moment, we're hearing a similar cry about the coming November 7 congressional elections. This time, according to the media, the barbarian Democratic hordes and a few nervous Nellies in the GOP, it is the Republican dam bursting, ready to wash any number of Republican members of Congress off Capitol Hill.
For the Democrats and their media flunkies it's written in the sands. The raging waters will carry off at the very least 15 Republicans and hand Mrs. Pelosi the House speakership. Some of the more sanguine Democrats even expect the tide to reach the Senate and drown the re-election hopes of six Republicans, thus handing the upper body to the Democrats.
Along with the late Mr. Thurber's character, I am inclined to ask, "What dam?"
Do you mean, for example, the tiny crack in the levee allegedly created by the Mark Foley scandal? If so, as they say in New Yawk, "Forgeddaboutit." The Foley scandal will have an effect in maybe two House races, and that effect may, even in those cases, prove minimal and not decisive.
We are being told by the ever-so-wise media savants that the conservative Republican base is so disturbed by l'affair Foley that they will express their discomfort with the GOP by staying home on Election Day, thereby depriving the Republicans of the electoral muscle they need to win the fight.
Now, there may be a small number of idiots who actually believe they will somehow best serve the conservative cause by putting into power, by their absence at the polls, an assemblage of loony leftists who will turn the Hill in the nation's largest nuthouse, raise their taxes, tie the hands of the president in the middle of a war where the West's very survival is at stake, and advance the cause of socialism that is so dear to their hearts.
At the most, that cadre of discontented conservatives will attract a lot of noise, but because they are the tiniest of minorities and obviously slightly deranged, their protests will fall on deaf ears.
At the moment, however, it is an article of faith among the Democrats' media lackeys that these disgruntled Republicans are a near majority among conservatives and their allies in the so-called religious right, and they will sit on their hands on November 7. In other words, the Republican Party will not be able to get its vote out on Election Day.
Boy, are they in for a surprise!
Whirring away out of sight is the GOP's get-out-the-vote machinery and it's well oiled, its cogs spinning smoothly and ready to produce a record-breaking turnout on November 7. Mr. Rove and his companion Mr. Mehlman have been busy fine-tuning the machinery for over two years, testing it with spectacular results in little-noticed local elections across the nation, and they are ready to roll and drive their troops to the polls.
It is an article of faith among the media elite that the average American voter out there in fly-over country is a dolt, totally incapable of sifting out the political wheat from the political chaff. Only with the guidance of their intellectual and cultural superiors in the media can they possibly make sensible decisions and vote in the ... sniff ... "proper" manner.
The problem for all the pretty boys and leggy blondes at the networks, the elites at the New York Times, the Washington Post and the rest of the socialist media, is that outside of their sheltered enclaves on the East and West Coasts, nobody is listening to them anymore.
We don't have to – we now have Fox Cable, Rush Limbaugh, my gutsy pal Mike Reagan, Laura Ingraham, Ann Coulter, David Limbaugh, Bill O'Reilly and about 600 talk radio hosts, Web sites such as the top-rated, and Matt Drudge, and a host of well-researched and well-reported blogs to deliver the truth rather than the phony pap the mainstream media have been feeding us for years.
Thanks to these feisty news sources, residents of the Red States have been able to penetrate the liberal iron curtain and get the facts the liberal mainstream media would, if they could, prevent them from learning. To them, an educated electorate sounds their death knell.
The bottom line is that no matter how hard they try, the media cannot get the American people to believe that their safety would be safer in the hands of the Democrats, that cutting and running in Iraq and exposing the entire Middle East to a certain and bloody catastrophe is a good thing, and that their money is best spent by Nancy Pelosi, Howard Dean and Harry Reid and not by themselves.
November 7 is going to be a battle royal, not easily won, but when the smoke clears, Nancy Pelosi will still be the feckless House minority leader, Harry Reid will remain the leader of the Senate minority, all will be well, and God will be safe in His heavens.
The dam is still standing, with nary a leak.