Got my lowered spring conversion kit installed

Dern Humpus

Dedicated LVC Member
Dec 6, 2004
Reaction score
Warrensburg, MO
Went faily easily, took us about two hrs. Car still rides great, and handles much better. I am extremely happy with the setup.

On for pix



It might get a wash soon, more pix a possibility.
Way to go, buddy! :W to the club that shall never wear out their suspensions!
NYC LSC said:
Looks good. That wouldn't last a day around here with these asteroid-sized pot holes we have lol

Call me lucky then, I guess.

On a side note, my rear bags are still good if someone wants to make an offer for them.
Mine has coil springs and its a little bit lower than that :p and mine was $460 shipped
his will sink a little lower in a day or two, the new springs have to settle
I wanted to wash it today, then I thought twice and figured itd look like that again within 24 hrs. The kit was 550 shipped. I honestly dont think it is going to settle out any more, at least I hope not. Ive never experienced springs settling after install.
I wont be a post-hijacker....but INHO, the 1.5" lowered verson on a Mark VIII looks PERFECT!

see my ride with the same kit, only from American Air. PERFECT ride height, perfect ride. Just look out for dead animals that litter the freeways. they can cause some nasty undercarriage "remains"


those who have seen the conversion kit page on american air's website will recognize my picture.

I dont know if you used my HOW TO page, but for anyone else who needs it, HERE IT IS
It will settle down and lower about another 0.25-0.5" mine looked the same when i first installed it then after a couple days it was even more perfect :)
How many miles on the front bags, dern?
Are they the originals?

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