Got pull'd over need advice :o(


Well-Known LVC Member
Apr 11, 2006
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Basicly what happend is i was trying to pull away from some drunk :q:q:qs that were trowing stuff at ppls cars... and i got pull'd over and ticketed for Excessive Speeding (Paced 70mph) thats what it says under violation... they took it down to 60 in 45 tho.. now the thing is they messed up on the ticket and i realy need to know if there is anything i can do about this.. for DOB they put 1/09/85 which is incorect it should be 86 and for the Vehicle they put Green Lincoln but my car is Aqua Blue and they didnt even put the LS :shifty: The ticket is only 67 bucks but the thing is i heard that for excessive speeding ur insurance goes way up, and i realy dont need that right now since it is alredy too high for this car in the first place.. I had a friend following me and i was wondering if i can go with him to court and say that i am not guilty becase i was trying to get away from the :q:q:q:q:q:q:qs... or do any of u have any better suggestions for me?? :confused:

Take the ticket. 70 in a 45 is felony're lucky he was nice and wrote it for 60. You ended up with a ticket instead of an impounded vehicle and jail time. The only way the "I was running from jerks" thing would work is if you took it up with the officer on the spot. Gave a description of the vehicle, occupants, actions that made you feel threatned...etc.

Look into if your state has some type of probationary program where the ticket isn't reported if you don't get another within a certain amount of time (like IL). Other states have traffic schools where if you go to the class you it doesn't get reported. You have options...pleading not guilty just isn't probably going to be one of them.
I probably would have been pissed enough to wanna pass them too, but the cops will say that the proper action would have been for you to slow down and pull over...wait for them to put some distance between you. I guess you can try to fight the ticket on technical inaccuracies, but I don't think you'll have much luck with that tactic.
darn i guess im out of luck :eek:(, what about the things they messed up on the ticket can that get me out?? like the color of the car i can tell them that i dont own a green Lincoln?? and is excessive speeding realy alot worse then just speeding ticket? ppl say it is but im not sure :(
the color of the car won't work, you will probably just get laughed at for bringing it up. The DOB may work as a technicality but if the cop can identify you it probably wont hold either. just check into driving school, that is usually the best option. if you cant you could try explaining to the judge that you were trying to get away from the punks. very low chance of it working as he will probably just tell you that you should have pulled off the road.
FreeFaller said:
Take the ticket. 70 in a 45 is felony're lucky he was nice and wrote it for 60. You ended up with a ticket instead of an impounded vehicle and jail time. The only way the "I was running from jerks" thing would work is if you took it up with the officer on the spot. Gave a description of the vehicle, occupants, actions that made you feel threatned...etc.

Look into if your state has some type of probationary program where the ticket isn't reported if you don't get another within a certain amount of time (like IL). Other states have traffic schools where if you go to the class you it doesn't get reported. You have options...pleading not guilty just isn't probably going to be one of them.

I did tell them right away but they tought i was lying and were about to get me for Drag racing... so i decided its better to just shut up or get screwed up even more :shifty:

Technically, aqua blue is not a color, but it is derived from green/blue, So it's right. Also, the fact that you agreed to be ticketed proves that you recognized you were speeding and didn't fight it at all. You can try and argue that they got the wrong car if the ticket said it was a black car or some other distant color from aqua blue, but with green you don't have a case. If you really wanna get tricky, you can say that you tried slowing down a few times but that didn't help because they slowed down too and started to get personal, so instead after a few attempts, you decided to go ahead when it was safe. Always make it sounds like you were thinking of safety first for all, including the drunk driver. Also, how can the cops notice you speeding and not notice a car full of drunk a-holes throwing stuff out the window? That is something they will consider and ask you about. Really, honestly, you don't have a chance with that color thing. The DOB might help you not get it straight in your records. But, good luck.
if he wrote the wrong info on the ticket, make sure its really visably a 85 and cant be taken for a 86, you could easily argue that if the cop cant copy simple numbers how can he be so sure how fast he was going.

ok the guy doesent actualy have me on the radar that i was speeding, but i guess he was behind me going 70... the think is i would have refused to sign the ticket but then i would probobly get arrested and get a ticket for 70 in 45 which would mean that i would automaticly lose my lisance (thats what the cop told me), i will check into the driving school and maybe even decide to go to court and tell them that they had no evidance that i was going 70 but its their guess, plus i got a friend that was there next to me in another car they were trowing stuff at him too... i dont get cops are they that retarded that they dont see that somebody is drunk and just being dump on the road, they only go for the people that are just there at the wrong time :eek:(
It's not really a guess. They are trained in pacing and that will hold up in court, does all the time. They don't have to have you on radar.

It does suck that you got pulled over in this situation, but be thankful he didn't put it as a felony.
FreeFaller said:
Take the ticket. 70 in a 45 is felony're lucky he was nice and wrote it for 60. You ended up with a ticket instead of an impounded vehicle and jail time. The only way the "I was running from jerks" thing would work is if you took it up with the officer on the spot. Gave a description of the vehicle, occupants, actions that made you feel threatned...etc.

Look into if your state has some type of probationary program where the ticket isn't reported if you don't get another within a certain amount of time (like IL). Other states have traffic schools where if you go to the class you it doesn't get reported. You have options...pleading not guilty just isn't probably going to be one of them.

Don't know what state you live in but in Minnesota...I have a friend (dumbass) with an 06 cobalt SS who has 4-5 tickets now. The two most infamous was a 101 in a 65 and then not even two weeks later a 131 in 65. He is not in jail and he still has his car...but of course no license for quite some time. He didn't have to spend even a day in jail, all he had to do was pay fines...
I think it depends how far the officer wants to take it. Felony speeding should be 25 or more over the posted limit or 90+ no matter what the limit is.
i got out of a few tickets by trying to fight them. the thing was tha sa tx police dept wrote so many tickets, that when you fought them the cop would have to come to court on one of his off days, so they never showed up and i automatically won. now that i live in fl, my only ticket wasnt reported because i took the driving class again. cost 40 for the class and 60 for the dam ticket that was the same thing as yours
All this felony stuff isn't universal...I've personally never heard of felony speeding but even if it does exist it would certainly vary from state to state and county to county. You should look into taking the class to prevent the points on your license if your state allows that.
Black03 said:
I think it depends how far the officer wants to take it. Felony speeding should be 25 or more over the posted limit or 90+ no matter what the limit is.

90+ ??????? The whole state of Michigan would be in the federal pen if that was the case. LOL
yes I think that whole felony speeding stuff is BS. i could be wrong but I've never heard such a thing. DUI isn't even a felony IIRC
beaups said:
yes I think that whole felony speeding stuff is BS. i could be wrong but I've never heard such a thing. DUI isn't even a felony IIRC

I had a friend who was cuffed and taken off in the back of a cruiser for it, tell him it's BS.
I was busted for 80 in a 55 in Indiana but Iowa law applied to the ticket as well since my drivers license was issued in Iowa. 25+ is considered excessive speeding, they wanted to suspend my license but I apealed by writting them a letter and had to go to driving school for a day and was on probation for a year. My insurance didn't go up one cent. Your insurance only goes up if you have mutiple tickets. Be glad he lowered the ticket and $67 is not a bad fine mine was $185 plus the cost of the class.
Black03 said:
I had a friend who was cuffed and taken off in the back of a cruiser for it, tell him it's BS.
I think you missed my point. I'm not saying you can't be arrested. I'm saying I've never heard it's a FELONY (read:MURDER). Again I could be wrong but....
beaups said:
yes I think that whole felony speeding stuff is BS. i could be wrong but I've never heard such a thing. DUI isn't even a felony IIRC

It really depends on the state...In ohio where you are beaups there is no felony speeding unless it is in conjunction with a DUI (30mph over the limit). In Iowa where 2002 LS V8 is from there is also no felony speeding...but is is something their state senate is looking into. States that have "felony speeding" laws include but are not limited to:


2002 LS V8...just look into your specific state laws to see what your options are.
thanks guys, i will go plead no contest and explain what happend to the judge and hopefuly everthing will be ok ;)
I know in Indiana 20+ over is a Misdemeanor charge. Also a full time officer can report just about anything on "good faith believe" since they have been through police academy. You can also take defensive driving classes and the ticket doesn't really efect you, besides cost of the ticket,class, and court cost. I would really check into the drving class it's cheaper in the long run.

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