Yesterday I got smashed in a 4 car domino pile-up. My poor LS. Here's my car domain link.
JaxAquaLS said:Yesterday I got smashed in a 4 car domino pile-up. My poor LS. Here's my car domain link.
Joeychgo said:DAMN! Well, glad it wasnt worse...
Thank God it's not on my insurance.[/QUOTE said:NO Sh!t! That will make someones insurance climb out the roof once they repair your ride!
JaxAquaLS said:Well the insurance company wants to total it. I told them I would not make any decision until I talk to the body shop. I have a 2005 V6 LS rental and I HATE IT! Drive by wire SUCKS. Whole car is cheaper, seats, rearview mirror looks like its off a Taurus, no compass, no autotint, no home-link, just not the same car. Well I'll keep you all informed, will know more tomorrow.