Got SNOW!!!!


Marxists - Socialists
Jun 15, 2004
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Madison, Wisconsin, United States
Hey Hey, lots of snow today !!!!!


dang thats what dumped on ya? It just started here, they say 8-14"'s
Suns out now and it's looking better but the wind has picked up and temp has dropped.

Glad I got the Blower going when I did this morning. It would be a ditch to do it now!

My buddy who move up from Alabama just came and pick up my blower think I'll go over to his place and watch from the warmth of his porch LOL
Eastern Long Island is bracing for 24" when all is said and done. I've parked my wipers in the UP position!
hottweelz said:
Eastern Long Island is bracing for 24" when all is said and done. I've parked my wipers in the UP position!

I heard on the tv that NY was under a blizzard warning.....damn, I am glad I moved when I did.... :Beer :N
Don't know what your missing!!! I Love the Winter!!! Love all 4 seasons...

Nice to get the change... Love the -20 to -40 degrees when they come!!

Love all the snow, and Happy when it goes away!!!

Love the 100+ days of summer... I love the color change of fall!!!

I just love it all!
I'm hearing 18" - 24" here. Lots of mixed reports so I can't really be sure but it's been snowing for about 2 hours and we have about 5" already. Going out to shovel now.

Damn I hate this crap
we already have 11+"'s here and its just begining to start the hard stuff....still got 19 hrs of it to go apparently
Markviiiedrea said:
dam it, it got down to 75 today i hate when that happens! :)

very stop making us sad
MrWilson said:
very stop making us sad

its ok i can make fun of you guys i lived in MN for 18 years and just came down here for school, i have no idea where i will be in 3 months prob alaska! what ever! :Beer
well, incase you didnt know already, the mark DOESNT like the snow. i had to drop it into first and was pulling 3000 and going about 1/2 mph....i gave up on that, and got moms buick, and just went right out of it.
about a foot here right now. Earlier today when there was only about 4" I trekked to the Wawa for a sub in the Townie. That car handles much better in the snow than my truck does. The person I bought it from said it performed terribly, but more and more I'm of the opinion he simply cannot drive in a sensible manner. He's one of those WOT or nothing people. The back tires on that thing are the fairly worn from misalignment front tires, and I still had no problems.
well, we ended up with 14" and a supposed nother 4" overnight
pepperman said:
It's going to be 41 degrees today getting cold.

Right Now it's 0 degrees, with an expected high of about 25 degrees.

Yesterday We had a low of 10 degrees with a high of 25.

This month our highest high was 39 degrees with a lowest low of only -16 degrees. It has been a soft month so far!!! Bring it on Mr. Weatherman!!!

mespock said:
Right Now it's 0 degrees, with an expected high of about 25 degrees.

Yesterday We had a low of 10 degrees with a high of 25.

This month our highest high was 39 degrees with a lowest low of only -16 degrees. It has been a soft month so far!!! Bring it on Mr. Weatherman!!!

41 at 6am. . .

60+ during the day. . .
:biggrin: had a high of 81 after new years, pay back is a bit*h, we had our hurracane's its your turn, im JK guys im some what jellous, i love the snow really i do. back home when the lakes get frozen enough my friends and i would put ski's on and tow our self's around the lake with my truck, aww good times!
Close to 3' here in MA. with 4' to 5' drifts very windy & in the low teens, seems to have stoped now 3pm 24hr of snow. WE could use some of that HOT air coming from those Pittsburgh Steeler fans, melt all this snow away in minutes :waving: :biggrin:

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