Well after putting on the KKM filter and than the v8 emblems from LSkoncepts.com I decided a wash and new pics were do. And Ken, feel free to take pics from here to use for your site if you want or I can e-mail them(whatever is easier).
Go here: http://photobucket.com/albums/v337/Beamer83/LS Pics/
All the pics on the first page are new and than on the second page all are new too besides like the last 5. But feel free to look at the rest on there if you wish. Sorry about some of the pics and the quality, sun made it hard to get nice shots, you can tell in some that I tried to dim out the spots in the picture.
I'm going to get more pics up in a few days because I just ordered the B-pillar inserts or whatever. I just hope the carbon fiber accents well w/ the color of my car.
Go here: http://photobucket.com/albums/v337/Beamer83/LS Pics/
All the pics on the first page are new and than on the second page all are new too besides like the last 5. But feel free to look at the rest on there if you wish. Sorry about some of the pics and the quality, sun made it hard to get nice shots, you can tell in some that I tried to dim out the spots in the picture.
I'm going to get more pics up in a few days because I just ordered the B-pillar inserts or whatever. I just hope the carbon fiber accents well w/ the color of my car.