Government say take the swine flu vaccine or else

N.Y. Health Care Workers Revolt Over H1N1 Vaccine
Saying They Should Be Given A Choice, Employees Rally In Albany, Around State, Chant "No Forced Shots!"
Protesters Hold Signs That Read: "The State Doesn't Own My Body'"


They're upset over an ultimatum from the health departmen
Workers are being told to either get the swine flu vaccine or lose their jobs.

New York is the first state in the country to mandate flu vaccinations for its health care workers. The first doses of swine flu vaccine will be available beginning next week. Much of it is reserved for state health care workers, but there is growing opposition to required innoculations.

Health care workers in Hauppauge screamed "No forced shots!" as they rallied Tuesday against the state regulation requiring them to roll up their sleeves.

"I don't even tend to the sick. I am in the nutrition field. They are telling me I must get the shot because I work in a health clinic setting," said Paula Small, a Women, Infants and Children health care worker.

Small said she will refuse, worried the vaccine is untested and unproven, leaving her vulnerable. In 1976, there were some deaths associated with a swine flu vaccination.

Registered nurse Frank Mannino, 50, was also angry. He said the state regulation violates his personal freedom and civil rights.

"And now I will lose my job if I don't take the regular flu shot or the swine flu shot."

When asked if he's willing to lose his job, Mannino said, "Absolutely. I will not take it, will not be forced. This is still America."

The protest also shook Albany Tuesday. Hundreds of demonstrators demanded freedom of choice. After all, as health care professionals they argue they're already constantly washing their hands and aren't likely to transmit or contract the flu.

Around 500,000 health care workers are slated to receive the vaccine.

"It's certainly their prerogative to voice their opinion," said Dr. Susan Donelan of Stony Brook University Hospital.

Donelan said most in the medical community see the benefits and safety of the shots and welcome them, and that hospitals must obey the law.

"Our hospital is committed to following the mandate to have our personnel vaccinated," she said.

The state said change was needed this year to save lives, typically only about 45 percent of health care workers take advantage of voluntary flu vaccines.

More than 150 institutional outbreaks of seasonal and H1N1 flu are expected this year in hospitals, nursing homes and hospice centers.

New York and New Jersey will get their first doses of the swine flu vaccine next week. It will be the nasal mist, not a shot.
I wonder if those health care workers are required to have hepatitis vaccines, be immunized against measles, mumps, polio, etc.? Most health care workers are. I wonder what makes the swine flu shot so different? I think that especially registered nurses (like the the man mentioned in the article) are required to have lots of different vaccines, and I would also wonder if he was required in previous years to get a flu shot?
I heard Sarah Palin was going to have her right wing death squads taking care of those who object to a swine flu shot.
foxpaws said:
I wonder if those health care workers are required...

Typical liberal distraction.

The OP (ME!) is not talking about the health community.

I am talking about everyday citizens being FORCED to inject something into their body or their kids body against their wishes. If they don't, the big, bad government is going to make them.

What can you not figure out about that.

If you want a vaccine, go ahead, do it. Then you will be protected from me who has contracted this 'deadly' disease. Right?

If you people can't see how screwed up this Country is RIGHT NOW, all hope for this Country is lost.
I was responding to what Cal had posted MM... sorry...

Oh, didn't your kids have to have a huge list of immunizations before they started school? Usually most states require a battery of shots for children before they can attend public school.
Need more?

State to mom: Stop baby-sitting neighbors' kids
Regulators who oversee child care, however, don't see it as charity. Days after the start of the new school year, Snyder received a letter from the Michigan Department of Human Services warning her that if she continued, she'd be violating a law aimed at the operators of unlicensed day care centers.

Or this example of the nanny state...

School district could backpedal on policy

Their methods may be unconventional, but the Marinos are part of a growing number of Americans challenging the sedentary habits of today's youths and what they view as overanxious "helicopter" parenting. As fewer children walk and bike to school nationwide, parents have started groups like the "Walking School Bus," which promotes physical activity and fitness in youth by having them walk to school with adults.
Right wing nut jobs believe that it's evil socialism for government to assume responsibility for ensuring the availability of swine flu vaccine.
The point of the health care story was to demonstrate that they, health care providers, are opposed to the idea or the forced immunizations. Understandably so.

Are they required to have other immunizations. Yes. But the issue here isn't whether all immunizations are bad, it's whether this panic should require them to be FORCED to submit to a hastily produced vaccination for a virus which most of them aren't particularly scared of.

I've spoken with friends who are Doctors, they've been dismissive of the H1N1 virus or mock-panic.
Right wing nut jobs believe that it's evil socialism for government to assume responsibility for ensuring the availability of swine flu vaccine.

Remarkably, you seemed more intelligent when you were blindly cutting and pasting irrelevant essays. Who'd have though that could be possible?
But it is a form of flu - and there is a ton of it here in Colorado, heck at the Air Force Academy they were isolating the new cadets because of a breakout down there.

Don't health care workers get flu shots so their oldest and youngest patients can be protected, as well as themselves? I believe they are required to get them every year. I believe people have died of the swine flu. The shot not only protects the worker, but the people they are caring for.

And every year the flu shot is different... they wait to find out what strains are going to be prevalent that year, and 'mix' the shot to take care of those varieties of flu that they believe are going to be the trouble makers. It is always sort of a last minute thing... Isn't it?
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You're right, every year the flu shot is different.
And the process associated with making the flu shot is interesting. However, it should be noted, it involves quite a bit of guess work. Because of the time it takes to develop and manufacture, they have to anticipate which flu will be prevalent the following year. Some years they aren't even close, but it's never last minute. They don't rush out the product, they forecast what they think it'll be and deliver that.

As for healthcare workers getting mandatory shots.
My understanding is that they actually have some of the lowest rates of immunization. Some hospitals have made the annual shots mandatory, but not all of them.
You're right, every year the flu shot is different.
And the process associated with making the flu shot is interesting. However, it should be noted, it involves quite a bit of guess work. Because of the time it takes to develop and manufacture, they have to anticipate which flu will be prevalent the following year. Some years they aren't even close, but it's never last minute. They don't rush out the product, they forecast what they think it'll be and deliver that.

As for healthcare workers getting mandatory shots.
My understanding is that they actually have some of the lowest rates of immunization. Some hospitals have made the annual shots mandatory, but not all of them.

So, the process for making the flu shot is a fairly common event - it happens every year. They have it 'down' so to speak as far as how they create a flu shot. So, H1N1 is a pretty normal type of flu, I would think that the process would be pretty much the same as other flu shots. They have known about H1N1 for quite a while, certainly the process has been similar to other flu shots as far as creating it.

And I would be surprised that health care facilities would leave themselves open to litigation by not requiring their workers to get a flu shot. Especially if children are exposed to the flu, contract it, and then perhaps die. Parents are especially litigious. But, you could be right Cal, I only know 1 medical doctor as a friend... and he is a pediatrician, so his circumstances could be quite different than other physicians and health care workers.
I thought the far right believed that any sort of government intervention in the market was socialism.

No. Your belief would be wrong.

But I don't think that surprises anyone, we have very low expectations of you.
It was a Socialist French Company, not a Capitalistic American Company, that invented the swine flu vaccine.
And I would be surprised that health care facilities would leave themselves open to litigation by not requiring their workers to get a flu shot.
You mean this year or every year?
But the employment policy issue is different than the federal government mandating the public receives the shot. It's important to distinguish the two.

The relevance of the health care worker story is that they don't even think it's necessary and are leery of it. You and I can rationalize why it should be harmless, or a good idea, but I'd expect them to be more knowledgeable on the subject than I.

Should the federal government be mandating vaccinations for a flu that doesn't even seem to be that severe? They're reporting H1N1 deaths, but people die of the flu regularly anyway, and no mention is made of it.

Trust in the federal government is collapsing, and that lack of trust is evident in the vaccination discussion.
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And every year the flu shot is different... they wait to find out what strains are going to be prevalent that year, and 'mix' the shot to take care of those varieties of flu that they believe are going to be the trouble makers. It is always sort of a last minute thing... Isn't it?

Are you really that ignorant? They have to start the process for flu vaccination at least a year out. There is next to no way to predict what flu strain will be prevalent, so that basically have to guess. You know why that is? FEDERAL REGULATIONS!
You made the claim, so I presume you'd know what to look up.
I thought we had established that I don't ever provide evidence to support my claims.

Why don't you point out some of the statements made by Media Matters that you believe aren't credible?

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