Governor Chris Christie; Union buster

Unions = Moblike criminals, they should ALL go away!! Biggest hurt ever put on us Nationwide.

Im still on the fence with this Load but He is doing more then CORSLIME ever did his entire time raping & pillaging this State. We will see if he will get rid of the Unions, I highly doubt it.
So far, at least in my lifetime, he's by far, the best governor that Jersey has had.
He has nothing in common with Corzine, who, I'm sure you know this, was another Goldman Sachs-man.

He can't "get rid of the unions."
At best, all he can do is pursue government policy that doesn't pander to them. Jersey is still a Democrat state and the unions and Democrats are too powerful for the Governor to "get rid of."
True but it looks somewhat hopeful with this Guy in charge. He is pissing off a TON of people at the top and that I LOVE!!
Yeah he's good, but he's a gun grabber. That's a deal breaker in my book.
Christie, on Fox News, talks gun control
October 27, 2009 • 3:16 pm
By Michael Symons

Republican gubernatorial nominee Chris Christie made appearances on Monday night and Tuesday morning on GOP-friendly Fox News Channel — and used part of the first appearance to tell the Republican base about his support for certain gun control measures.

In an interview Monday night with Sean Hannity, Christie agreed with the host that New Jerseyans’ tax burden (at all levels) amounts to 60 percent of their income. He talked about the candidacy of Chris Daggett and the visits from President Barack Obama and about unemployment and the economy.

Asked if there are issues on which he’s moderate or to the left, he said, “I favor some of the gun control measures we have in New Jersey” and was interrupted by Hannity shaking his head and saying, “Bad idea.”

Christie: “We have a densely populated state and there’s a big handgun problem in New Jersey. Now, I don’t support all the things that the governor supports, by a long stretch. But on certain gun control issues, looking at it from a law enforcement perspective, seeing how many police officers were killed — we have an illegal gun problem in New Jersey.”

Hannity: “Should every citizen in your state be allowed to get a licensed weapon if they want one?”

Christie: “In New Jersey, that’s not going to happen, Sean.”

Hannity: “Why?”

Christie: “Listen, with the Democratic Legislature that we have, there is no way those type of things –”

Hannity: “Would you support it?”

Christie: “Listen, at the end of the day, what I support are common sense laws that will allow people to protect themselves. But I also am very concerned about the safety of our police officers on the streets. Very concerned. And I want to make sure that we don’t have an abundance of guns out there.” He then finally extricated himself from the issue and turned the focus back to the economy.
I want to get more of what, specifically, he means and what he thinks, but thanks for bringing it to my attention. ;)
I know what you mean, but when anybody says 'common sense gun laws' what they really mean is some level of confiscation.

And I really bristled at his emphasis on keeping the police safe. WTF? What about keeping the citizens safe? Isn't that the point?
He's a politician in the North East so, even if he was an advocate of gun rights, he'd be forced to temper that enthusiasm for political reasons. However, the North East culture tends to be anti-gun, same thing applied to Rudy Giuliani. They always fall back on the argument that gun control might be fine for "you guys in fly over country," but in the densely populated cities and urban areas, they are just too unsafe.

They are wrong, but that's the position they always take.
He's a politician in the North East so, even if he was an advocate of gun rights, he'd be forced to temper that enthusiasm for political reasons. However, the North East culture tends to be anti-gun, same thing applied to Rudy Giuliani. They always fall back on the argument that gun control might be fine for "you guys in fly over country," but in the densely populated cities and urban areas, they are just too unsafe.

They are wrong, but that's the position they always take.
And the main reason why I will not support them. And it's not completely true - Romney was forced to acknowledge the gun issue in the debates, and he gave the correct answer.
Another problem is, none of these N.E. politicians will ever address how they feel about the 10th amendment. I can tolerate a State politician I disagree with in federal office provided they understand and embrace the limitation of the federal government.

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