Well-Known LVC Member
I recently bought an 02 Grand Am and right away there was a grinding noise in the front end.I've gone over everything in the front end and it all looks good.I figured it was maybe cheap pads or something, but I've now found MANY testimonials on the internet from people saying that they've had the same problem with their Grand Ams, and that replacing the tires made it stop.In some cases the dealer replaced the tires under warranty.In all cases it was the same 16'' low pros that I have.My question to all the tire experts out there, how does it come to be that the tires make a grinding noise?They're not rubbing or anything, and it sounds just like it would sound if the pads were worn out.I'm not disputing that it's the problem, and I'm going to get a couple new tires, I just don't get how they're making this sound.Please, enlighten me.