guess the prob


Speed Bump
Sep 20, 2004
Reaction score
Bloomington, MN
when i try to do a brake stand or stop real hard, the brake pedal gets extremly hard and i cant hold the car an break the tires loose

and i have a real uneaven idle, i just had the stall put in i know that has to do with part of it.

my check eng light comes on and i had it checked out and it says the the dr side o2 is reading a lean mixture once and a while

it all sound's like to a Vacuum prob, what do you guys think
if you have had any cam work done that will affect vacuum big time, if your converter stall is really high youll have to get the revs up to get the tires goin anyway
the stall will have nothing to do with your idle.........and it should make breaking your tires loose a lot easier
You're loosing vacuum or your brake booster is going bad. You need a vacuum guage to test.

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