Guess What's coming Home next Weekend!!

This one isn't really a guessing game. It's a follow up thread.

He'll be getting one of his Mark VIIIs back after having 94M5 do some body work on his reacquired VIII.. I'd be excited too.
I think we should place some bets on whether the car makes it home in one piece. Rich, deer and Marks have a strange way of meeting at dusk.:p
Nitrobasher said:
is anyone else tired of the guessing games?

I'm about to beat myself with a snow shovel if I see another "guess WHAT?!?!?!" thread. :)

But seriously, glad to hear you are getting your car back.
It's been a long time waitng.. Can't wait to see if what I've been told is true.

Scott, JD, and Mike all said it really has some balls for a stock Mark VIII.
Nitrobasher said:
is anyone else tired of the guessing games?

Now young basher let's be nice to the older crowd.... I've waited a long time to see this car after selling it to Scott9050, and then after hearing about how fast it runs without any mods....
no no im not trying to be mean at all, im just joking around.

i guess i shoulda inserted a smiley face, haha

but congrats on getting your car back :)
I saw this sign outside of Rich's neighborhood. Now it makes sense!

Deer?'s more likley to hit a black guy on a bicycle then a deer meeting my mark...where do you guys live? far away are you from the nearest corner store ;)...
Yup I'm going to drive 25 to 35 mph all the way home just to make sure she gets there safe...

Remember last time. The same day I brought her home the same day the damn deer became sausage...

Also Hwy 133 is under construction so that eliminates the place of occurance.

Mike sure did a nice job on the car. And with those Cobra Stars on her Deer will fear this beast... LOL

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