Guns N' Stuff


Dedicated LVC Member
Jan 13, 2005
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I was wondering who here enjoys shooting sports?
Im in the market for a new 12Gauge, I love trap and skeet shoting.
I was thinking eathe a Franchi, benelli or Remington and has to be an auto
any feed back would be most helpfull. :feedback
Hi DertyClown

dertyclown said:
I was wondering who here enjoys shooting sports?
Im in the market for a new 12Gauge, I love trap and skeet shoting.
I was thinking eathe a Franchi, benelli or Remington and has to be an auto
any feed back would be most helpfull. :feedback

I do


If you want an auto shotgun I would recommend a Browning Gold, it is easier to clean, easier to strip down than other autos, much easier to load, you feed the shells into the magazine and if the bolt is back a round is automatically chambered, no messing about with pressing buttons on the side and right from new mine has NEVER jammed, I shot over 400 rounds one afternoon and it didn't mis-fire once, the girfriends Beretta Urika jams 1 time out of 20.

I only use my auto for shooting English Sporting it is a bit too light for trap discilplines for trap shooting I use an old Beretta 682 wieghing in at almost 9 1/2 pounds.


thanks I had a Browning 10Gauge a few years back and loved it. thanks this will be my first auto so the help is grate
Dereck said:
Hi DertyClown

I do


If you want an auto shotgun I would recommend a Browning Gold, it is easier to clean, easier to strip down than other autos, much easier to load, you feed the shells into the magazine and if the bolt is back a round is automatically chambered, no messing about with pressing buttons on the side and right from new mine has NEVER jammed, I shot over 400 rounds one afternoon and it didn't mis-fire once, the girfriends Beretta Urika jams 1 time out of 20.

I only use my auto for shooting English Sporting it is a bit too light for trap discilplines for trap shooting I use an old Beretta 682 wieghing in at almost 9 1/2 pounds.



remind me not to mess with you!
hard to hide a shotey thats why you keep good old S&W 500Mag.
Real revolvers hold 5 shots

Dereck...nice to see a Brit getting some trigger time...some strict gun laws you guys have over there.

As for myself,

Taurus .357 Magnum 7 shot
Beretta Model 96 Centurion (.40)
Freedom Arms .454 Casull (I swear this thing makes shockwaves in the ground)
Bushmaster CAR-15 Full Auto (god bless Idaho)
Kalishnikov AK-74U Full Auto (when you have one murder a year in a state...they don't care what you buy...)

And that's about it...
it hurts...six shots is enough to give bruises. Kinda wish I had gotten the Taurus Raging Bull .454...lots more comfortable to shoot.
thats how the S&W 500mag is it just to big not to be fun
my dad loves his AK's (ful auto kit ? or did you buy it that way?)
They (the CAR-15 and the AK-74U) were both bought full-auto. I had to get a Automatic Rifle operators license in the state of Idaho to buy them. The permit was only $500 but it would work out to much more for a civilian since you would have to pay for all the firearms safety courses and background checks. I got all my training through the USAF (free if u don't include the "getting shot at by lunatics the world over" thing) That and I can pretty much never sell the rifles cause they are permanently married to my SSN by the ATF. Another pain is that since I now reside in Illinois and this state regards anyone who owns an assault rifle as worse than Satan I have to lock the rifles up in the base armory and can only fire them in certain places. Well, I could keep them in my house but if the police ever had to search the place for some unforseen reason and they found enough guns to invade France they probably would be none to happy...
cool, when my dad got his first AK it was a pain in the a$$ finding a place that would let us shoot. they sead they dont want that in their range, but they did not say sh!t when I was throwing 3 1/2 10 gauge mag. sluds down it. there full of sh!t. but I know there are kits out there and since it is really just for (as my dad says) when the :q:q:q:q hits the fan. it would be cool. he had a lot of fun with that Y2k B.S.
Il is wird about this stuff.
Lets see where to begin. Lets just say that I have a pretty good collection of guns here. I have one room setup with them.

I love benelli and currently have 2 auto shotguns from them. Also have a savage 775a which is similar to the auto-5, but the stock mets flush with the top of the reciever and the receiver is aluminum. I have two auto-5's as well. Also have 4 other pump action shotguns as well.

Now for rifles I have 20 total in various calibers.

The oldest one is a single shot 22 rolling block made by Hopkins & Allen way back in 1892 it is a model #722

Other older guns include a semi-auto tommy gun, m-1 garand and a m-1 carbine.

I use to work at Numrich Arms building tommy guns and fixing/repairing other guns and got many great deals while working there.

I'll be quiet now as I could talk about guns all day long
I own a .40 Glock 22 model myself. My cousin just bought an arsenal;

1 S&W 500 Mag
1 Mak-90 AK-47 replica with round drum (75 rounder!)
1 M4/ M-16 rifle (brand new and beautiful!)
1 Glock 22 Detroit Police model

He must've spent $3000 by now! I have a few pics kickin' around I'll post later...
so you say benelli is a good one, and I can see that I have shot them befor and are nice. as you seem to be a pro what do you think of Franchi ???? I like the 912/ but I like the imput and help. and hell ya old guns are way cool. I have my grate granddads old overunder 20G, and my grandpas ruger he pulled of a german offecer in wwII. last year I decited to drake it down clean it and shot it it took no time to get it ready, but did not have the nearvto shoot it for like a year. it had been in a trunk for at least 40years and may not have been shot in more than that and is pricless in my eyes as he died when I was very yung and that is all I have to rember him by. but when i did it shot like it was new. Im starting to get in to the ond .410's and 10G shotguns, but need somthing I can use a lot and not feel bad about it so 12g auto is my pick
Franchi are okay not bad, but not great IMO. The Remington 1100 is a great shooter and I have put many many rounds through the one I have with no problems. Only thing with remington's is that I found they each tend to like different ammo. You have to play around with the ammo brands to find what works best in them, but when you get the right combo of ammothe remington is hard to beat. My 870 will put a 2" group at 100yrds all day long with certain slugs, but with others forget it.

Benelli have great looking and feeling guns. More money, but much nicer in many ways. There are some great older English shotguns, but they go for a huge amount of money. I would say go to a shop and handle a few different brands/models. Then go with the one that fits you best. The one that moves with you the best. Trust me you will know after handling a few of them which feels better. Have you thought about any over/unders?

I know what you mean about the grandfather thing. One of the m-1's I have was his from WWII. I also just made a purchase of a Winchester model 70 vietnam sniper rifle. It has the original sniper scope and all.
I guy srom school has a Franchi not the 912. so we are going out this weakend he wants to try S&W500mag. so we are trading and then I can see how it shots, the 912 felt really good at the shop I have had my sholder dislocated so many times (I think its 12 now??? stoped counting a wile back) and it makes finding anything 1/2 way good really hard for me. but it seemed nice, so Ill see how it is when I get to shot it.
I'm worce than my Gf, altho I think she just doesent know its a bad fit, Im looking to get her a nice 20G next year, man will she be mad. then she will have to come with every weakend.
DJ Kontakt said:
I need to get a gun lisence so I can do it legally.
Ya it is sure hard to do. drive all the way to kmart get a photo taken and give them as much as $12 and whate two weaks for a Back ground check
there is noreason not to have a FOID card(Not a lisence) it is funny it is not even a valid photo ID card.(you cant use it to buy a pack of smokes, or a beer. Or as I found out Paintballs from sport mart. I was driving on a ticket and they would not sell me paintballs (witch in Il you DO NOT have to 18 to buy them) buy they are wird.

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